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Losing Hope - venting

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well its been 11 months since of NC with my ex...however i still feels that i have not moved on 100 % (me as dumpee). I don't cry anymore but that fact that our relationship ended has made me very sad about life in general. I don't date much..no matter how much i try keep myself busy or occupied ....when i am alone....i cannot get past the fact that he rejected me due to his family reasons but we both had a really good relationship......


I will never give him a second chance...i can't think about my past anymore because he is married now...my life has diverted towards a new direction...but i am finding very hard to move on....he break up with me on telephone...(1 minute call) and since then he just couldn't talk to me face to face as he was embrassed.


How do you move on when you never have closure.....? So many questions unanswered....so many things come to mind...that i might never figure out......I think i am losing Hope of ever finding love....even if i do find love...i just don't know whether i would be able to love them back...


i don't dream anymore....losing hope in relationships.......

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Similar to me, I just having the same feeling as you do right now, after 5 week of good and fun NC...


I don't know, I'm fear that the feeling will go on and off just like waves for permanent purposes... I'm shagged and tired....

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