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stopping my insecurities


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My girlfriend says i'm insecure, jealous of our unborn baby and need to grow up. Im 28 shes 27. All of my past relationships have been with younger girls and i have always been hurt. I trust my girlfriend so much an can talk ther about anything. we have had a lot of arguements recently and have split up twice in 3 weeks. she says i'm doing her head in because i fuss an worry. I know its not her and she should'nt have to put up with the way i'm being. How do stop being to much an cure these insecurities?

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she had an abortion last year and we split up an she got back with her ex for a couple of months. we have now sorted things out and been back together for 8 months and live together. everything was fine until she fell pregnant again. it is our first. since then i have become insecure and worry all the time. worried at first about what happened last time. now i'm counting the clock at work until i get home so i can be with her an know shes ok. i can say 100% she would never cheat on me an vice versa. constantly saying are u ok and fussing. doing all the housework an looking for constant praise in silly ways. constantly wanting to know she loves me an wanting cuddles an kisses. no idea why. i used to love doing my own thing but now just can't wait to get home to 'mother' her an make sure shes ok. i know if there's a problem she'll call me or let me know but i feel bad going out cuz i'm enjoying myself an shes at home sick. she said i'm jealous of the baby an insecure. i overdo everything. the more i try the more i make it worse.

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