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Girls, does it really matter?

T Durden

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I dont think its necessarily all about BMWs and Lexus. I think women see a car and look for these things:


1. Is it safe. No one wants to ride in a car pieced together with duct tape and that shakes at highway speeds.

2. Regardless of the car what does it look like? How a man takes care of his car is a reflection on how he takes care of himself. An unwashed BMW full of fast food wrappers is unattractive.

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i do not care what cars he has. as long as he has a job it's all good. i like a person bc of him not his car. it's his car why would i care, since i drive my own car, and if im with him, i dont care how the car looks, at least it took me/him to places.


dont worry, if u do get a gf and she doesnt mind about those, then she is worth ur love.

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1) A guy who owns his own place but with a less than cool car.

2) A guy living at home with parents with a cool car.



When I see a guy with a flashy/expensive car, I automatically assume that he makes poor financial decisions. Most cars depreciate in value very quickly and to spend a lot of money on one is foolish and it does not impress me. He would be much better off buying a modest car and putting his money towards his own place, which will more likely appreciate in value (at least over a long period of time). If he has a lot of money (millions), then sure, he can buy whatever car he wants. The reality is that most guys my age don't have a lot of money.


And to be totally honest, I much prefer a guy who is environmentally conscious. My ex didn't even have a car. He used public transport and rode his bike. This was very attractive to me. When I move I plan to do the same thing and hopefully I can find another guy like that. That way we would be able to avoid the money pit and the dangers that come with driving. Not to mention the road rage and associated stresses!

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Ok next question ladies, which would you pick from the below?


1) A guy who owns his own place but with a less than cool car.

2) A guy living at home with parents with a cool car.


You forgot choice:

3) A guy who owns his own place plus many more and drives at least three cool cars.


Or the choice the above poster said:

4) A guy that doesn't own a car.



See how subjective your thread query can be? Would you turn down a woman just because she has bloond hair? How about a big chest? Or, better yet, because she has brown eyes? Another poster said it best when she said it's not the car, but the man you date. How superficial is your life to worry about asking these questions and projecting a certain image of coolness? Just be a real man and take care of your life in the most healthy way possible and quit trying to look so cool.

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Ok next question ladies, which would you pick from the below?


1) A guy who owns his own place but with a less than cool car.

2) A guy living at home with parents with a cool car.


Definitely a guy with his own place. It signifies independence and the right priorities.


I just roll my eyes when I see men driving around really fancy cars but they are quite poor themselves. I see it all the time at the car dealership. "Oh, you want these 5,000 dollar rims put on? And...you drive a cavalier?" okay.

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Definitely a guy with his own place. It signifies independence and the right priorities.


I just roll my eyes when I see men driving around really fancy cars but they are quite poor themselves. I see it all the time at the car dealership. "Oh, you want these 5,000 dollar rims put on? And...you drive a cavalier?" okay.


I would venture to guess that if you saw me drive in with my car I'd be quite poor in your book too. Then again, I'm too guilty of this act since I judge these types of comments to be a shallow judgements; therefore, this line of thought would be poor in my book.

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I would venture to guess that if you saw me drive in with my car I'd be quite poor in your book too. Then again, I'm too guilty of this act since I judge these types of comments to be a shallow judgements; therefore, this line of thought would be poor in my book.


Have you put a tail fan, spinning rims, and a custom paint job on a car whos value was less than the rims? And in turn chose to upgrade your car over not living with your mother?


I understand if you want to pimp out a car just for the hell of it, as long as your priorities aren't to give up your bill paying money to put flames on the car.




If a guy makes a lot and chooses to shell out on some nice wheels, I'm not about to hold it against him or call him materialistic. It's his money, he can buy whatever he wants. I'm not about to object to shiny new toys that he earned through his career. Heck, if he inherited that money. It's still his to do what he wants. I'm not about to claim that I'm a bleeding heart transcendentalist who believes we should all buy just the things we "need" and move back to cabins in the woods. I, myself, drive a car that's worth more than what anyone my age should be driving. I could easily function with a simplier car. Call me materialistic. I love that car.

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I think as long as he has his own pad rented or owned, and makes a decent living he shouldn't have to settle for less than he likes. I'm not saying he should go out and buy a 60 thousand dollar cadillac just to look good, but he also shouldn't have to settle for some beat up clunker. I myself would never date a man who has a shoddy looking vehicle that possibly isn't safe. I want a man who isn't cheap yet isn't the type vain enough he feels he needs to have a extremely expensive car at all times or the newest car off the lot every year. A man's vehicle will tell you alot about his character, and how he carries himself while in that vehicle. It's all about living within the means and making smart financial choices, not out to impress the world with your "ride".

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If a guy drives a really nice car, it's bonus.

If a girl has a really nice rack/butt, it's a bonus.


Not saying that it's a must to attract the opposite sex because other factors contributes as well. But it definitely wouldn't hurt you to drive a nice car. It can only do you good I would imagine in the real world.

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"Oh, you want these 5,000 dollar rims put on? And...you drive a cavalier?"


Now that's not fair...I drive a 2003 cavalier, and a 1991 camaro...granted, the rims on my cavalier aren't $5000 but I still built it pretty nice...I have pictures if you want 'em...It even made it to the cover of HCI magazine

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