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Girls, does it really matter?

T Durden

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What car he drives?


As close as i am to the car i have had for the past 8 years, its never going to win any beauty contests and is anything but a certain type of magnet! But i cant afford a new vehicle at the moment as much as i would like one!


I actually wouldnt want to be with any female who would think less of me cos of my wheels, but generally what do you ladies think?

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I drive a VW jetta. Out of all the cars, someone always has something bad about the company that your car is, there is always a hater. I think I picked the perfect first car because when I say I drive one, people only have good things to say! Whether girls like it or not, I don't know. I don't really care, its fuel efficient and I plan to keep it for a long time.

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It doesn't really matter to me, but I prefer an older non flashy car. I'm a little turned off by people who have to have the newest and the best. Just me.



Big turn off for me: middle-aged men driving fire engine red convertibles with the top rolled down. Mid-life crisis anyone! I do not like status symbol cars...BMWs, Mercedes, Audis etc. I find that many people who buy those kind of cars are just looking to show off their material possessions.

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Well, in my opinion, driving a certain type of car to attract a certain type of woman is a lot like driving a certain type of car to get a certain type of job. Back in 1998 I drove a car built in 1984 and I worked for a huge bank. I made a great income and saved every penny. I really did not care what women thought about my old junker, but I noticed I had very few dates and these women where kind of the blue collar mentality type that crytizised my job.


One day I went to visit a very important client at his home. When I arrived he aced real strange. I introduced myself and he came up with the excuse he had an important meeting he forgot about. I then presented a quick sales pitch regarding our bankng relationship. He turned around and asked me to come inside. I continued with my presentation and he was very impressed with my knowledge and ability to save his business money. Right there he committed and signed a retainer for our services. As I was leaving he admitted that the forgotten meeting excuse was a lie because he thought I was a crappy banker due to the old car I drove. He advices me, since he knew I made a great income, to buy a luxury car that more accurately informs clients of my business.


The next day I went to buy my first Range Rover. My sales doubled and I noticed how much attention I received from a lot of people, specially women. The caliber of my dating pool went up and I noticed that a was dating more educated and college graduate white collar type of women, along with a few gold diggers. The moral of the story is that you start to date in a higher social strata.


See how the type of car you drive can make a big difference?

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I think its ridiculous to expect a wealthy man in an executive position drive a heap of scrap metal not to appear to be boosting about his status.. If he's worked hard then he is entitled to drive any car her wants in my opinion..I do however think that flashy sports cars owned by a man over 50 in sunglasses and a fake tan is kind of sad however much money he has.


Give me a man with no debts in an average car any day over than any man in debt driving in a car he really cant afford to drive.

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I think its ridiculous to expect a wealthy man in an executive position drive a heap of scrap metal not to appear to be boosting about his status.. If he's worked hard then he is entitled to drive any car her wants in my opinion..I do however think that flashy sports cars owned by a man over 50 in sunglasses and a fake tan is kind of sad however much money he has.


Give me a man with no debts in an average car any day over than any man in debt driving in a car he really cant afford to drive.


I wasn't talking about driving a piece of junk..but an average run of the mill, moderate priced car is more along the lines of what I was thinking of. I am not impressed by men who drive expensive cars no matter what position they have. Also, a person's position at work may be great but if it comes with a rotten personality then who cares. In other words, I judge a person by who they are, not their fancy job title and not by flash clothing and cars. I work with a lot of people who are way up their in their field, some are decent down-to-earth people and others have let their position and job title get to their head. It is the person behind the car not the job title that counts.

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in my experience, you'll be *told* that it doesn't matter, but i think the reality is that it's only applicable if you've got all the other qualities (good looks, decent money, outgoing, strong social circle, etc.)


It's one of those, 'It can't help you all that much, but it can hurt you a lot' - meaning if you're just an average joe, not all that great looking, have only a couple friends, bit on the loner side, AND you drive a beat up 10-year old econobox, girls are going to think 'Eww, I don't want to be seen getting picked up in that - how embarassing'. I think all woman have a certain level of vanity, and that applies to the vehicles they're seen in.

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Honestly....I dont judge on cars...It does not judge a person on what kind of car that have. As long as it not breaking down I think you should be good. Now are all woman the same as me? No...there are woman out there that what kind of car a man has means alot to them.


If you find a woman that cares about what kind of car you have then you dont need them anyways.

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Cars do matter to a majority of women of all ages. If they don't matter to you, or if you can't afford a flashy car, look for the minority of women who could care less. They are out there, probably not at the hot clubs or fashionable chic places, but they are out there.

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Cars do matter to a majority of women of all ages. If they don't matter to you, or if you can't afford a flashy car, look for the minority of women who could care less. They are out there, probably not at the hot clubs or fashionable chic places, but they are out there.



I wouldn't say that the type of car matters to most women. Most women may prefer that I guy does have a car but I don't think that most women care about whether or not the guy is driving a BMW vs a Honda or Ford. Perhaps the women at the hot clubs and fashionable chic places need the nice car because it would be rather unpleasant having sex in the back of a beat up econocar vs sex in the back of the BMW!

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It's not the car (if he even has one), it's the driver. If he does have a car it matters that the stereo is louder than the exhaust and the road vibrations. It matters if the floorboards are solid so the backs of my legs don't get wet when we go over a puddle. It matters if there are seatbelts. It matters if it is reliable and safe. Other than that, I couldn't care less.

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I don't really mind the type of car that a man drives, just as long as it's running smoothly. I've dated men who didn't have cars, of course it's much more convenient to have one. However, as others have said - I'd much rather have someone who isn't in debt with a decent car than one who is and is still trying to make ends meet.

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Good to know, all good to know...


I reside in the UK and have what can only be described as a granny-mobile, as in its the type of car an older lady may drive, which sucks! Ah well... love me, love my wheels!!!


You live in the UK...is there any reason to own a car over there? haha.


Seriously. My boyfriend drives a blue lumina that creaks like an old iron ship everytime he turns left and doesn't have AC.


I love that car.

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I wasn't talking about driving a piece of junk..but an average run of the mill, moderate priced car is more along the lines of what I was thinking of. I am not impressed by men who drive expensive cars no matter what position they have. Also, a person's position at work may be great but if it comes with a rotten personality then who cares. In other words, I judge a person by who they are, not their fancy job title and not by flash clothing and cars. I work with a lot of people who are way up their in their field, some are decent down-to-earth people and others have let their position and job title get to their head. It is the person behind the car not the job title that counts.




Like I already said... If a man has worked hard for his money he is entitled to buy any car he likes. Who am I to judge?

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You live in the UK...is there any reason to own a car over there? haha.


Seriously. My boyfriend drives a blue lumina that creaks like an old iron ship everytime he turns left and doesn't have AC.


I love that car.


This is over-the-top good. When you love someone, you also fall in love with whatever car you've come to ... understand.

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You live in the UK...is there any reason to own a car over there? haha.


Seriously. My boyfriend drives a blue lumina that creaks like an old iron ship everytime he turns left and doesn't have AC.


I love that car.


Take a look at where I live:

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We don't measure distance by miles, but by time when you live in a town that is about 5,000 square miles. A car in not a luxury, but a basic human birth right to live here. So, when it takes me 45 to 50 minutes to get accross town without traffic doing about 70mph on the freeway I darn well better do it in luxury then in a ordinary car.

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Take a look at where I live:

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We don't measure distance by miles, but by time when you live in a town that is about 5,000 square miles. A car in not a luxury, but a basic human birth right to live here. So, when it takes me 45 to 50 minutes to get accross town without traffic doing about 70mph on the freeway I darn well better do it in luxury then in a ordinary car.


I was thinking more along the lines of Chicago and Boston. It's almost inconvienent to have a car there. No parking and pedestrians make it impossible to actually drive anyway.

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Well my car is in perfectly good shape and in good running order... it just happens to be a far from masculine type of make and model! As is often the case over here in Europe with smaller cars etc... I own my own home and have a decent job, its just that extra cash needed for a new vehicle isnt quite there yet.


I said it before but i dont think i would want any girl who judges me on my car anyway, someone above said that the majority of girls do care about the car?! Strange, i wouldnt give two hoots what car a potential girlfriend was driving!

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Well my car is in perfectly good shape and in good running order... it just happens to be a far from masculine type of make and model! As is often the case over here in Europe with smaller cars etc... I own my own home and have a decent job, its just that extra cash needed for a new vehicle isnt quite there yet.


I said it before but i dont think i would want any girl who judges me on my car anyway, someone above said that the majority of girls do care about the car?! Strange, i wouldnt give two hoots what car a potential girlfriend was driving!


The posters that said that women care about the car were men.


I'm sure some women do care about the car, just like some men only care about how big my rack is. We don't need people like that.

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