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Why have all my exes turned out to be gay?

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Almost every guy I've dated has come out of the closet at some point after dating me (I'm female). There were even a lot of guys in high school who had crushes on me (or so they said) and later turned out to be gay. I understand that a lot of gay men have relationships with women before coming out, but why is this trend so common among my exes? Why is it always me? Please don't be afraid to be honest. If you say it's because I'm masculine or something it won't hurt my feelings

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Probably doesnt have anything to do with your "masculinaty" as suggested in the last sentence of your post. But rather, your taste in men. You seem to be attracted to homosexual, or possibly homosexual men. So, rather than ask why so many are attacted to you, you should ask yourself what is it about these gay men that you are attacted to?

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haha no, I didn't do anything to turn them gay. Most of the relationships didn't last too long, and either I broke it off or we mutually decided it was time to end it. I know they're gay because either because they now date men.


I don't think I am specifically attracted to gay men. I've been interested in several straight guys but the feelings are rarely returned. And the gay guys I've dated weren't ones that would be easy to identify as gay. Most of them were pretty sought after by women and weren't really suspected to be gay.

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haha no, I didn't do anything to turn them gay. Most of the relationships didn't last too long, and either I broke it off or we mutually decided it was time to end it.




maybe they loved you too much. when you guys broke up they rather be gay than love other girls dont worry, go date more guys and see how they turn out ehhehe

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Actually I'm not much of an extrovert. Guys who are openly gay also tend to like me (in a merely friendly way, of course). I feel like there are women who absolutely love having gay friends, but honestly, I never set out to have gay friends, it kind of just happened.

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