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I am so confused

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Okay, you might know me from a previous post that I had about remaining friends with my ex. So now I have a whole mess of confusion going on... I've been doing the NC thing and it has been working. She has emailed me twice and sent me love on MySpace. So her first email she was like, I hope you had a good week-end with Alexis (my daughter) and she hoped I was doing well...that was on a Wednesday and here it is a Friday she asked me if I considered her a friend? What kind of game is she playing at? She broke my heart and pretty much rejected me. Now she is acting like I'm doing her wrong by not contacting her. It seems like once I'm in the frame of mind for doing my own thing she pops up like she is trying to stay on my radar or something.....


Can someone please tell me what her deal is? ](*,)

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The way things ended it's like the door was left open for a possible reconsciliation. But that is besides the point... I emailed her back asking her what her deal is? and she said that she was thinking a bunch of non-sense and don't pay any attention to her blah, blah and she didn't mean to bug me. it's like wth woman? It's almost like she is desperate to keep me in her life or something or she is realizing a mistake she made. *shrugs* It's just confusing as all heck for me

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