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Still unemployed-depressed :(

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I haven't been here in a while. This is just a rant mostly, because I don't know what else to do.


I left my job (customer service, good money, big company) because I couldn't take it anymore. I took a medical leave, and didn't have time to find a psychiatrist, and I had to end my employment.


About a month later, my bf lost his job at the same company. Next month, we won't have rent for this place. We barely have enough money for food anymore.


I don't know what to do. I have always been a failure, but now I'm bringing someone else into my cycle of fail. I still have no job offers, no prospects at all, and he is having problems trying to find something too. At this point, I feel like we won't have any choice but to go back to my mom's place and live with her.


My thing is, I can't figure out how to have a good life. I just can't figure this stupid life thing out and I just really really don't know what to do.


Is there some book or cd or something that I missed when I was young that gives you directions?

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First off, you're not a failure. I've been unemployed for about 8 months now. It just so happens to be that times are rough. Have you been calling the places you have applied for or just waiting for them to call you? And also, are these places you're applying for jobs you could see yourself enjoying or just good paying ones?

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Well, first off. No one will have confidence in you if you don't have confidence in yourself!


There is no magic wand - at least not for the majority of us out there, working in jobs we aren't happy in.


I know that its easier to GET a job when you're IN a job. Even if you're in voluntary employment, people will take you more seriously and more opportunities will come your way if you pick yourself up and put yourself out there.


Defeat is always momentary - so spend the rest of the day feeling a bit miserable, then draw a line under it and get positive!

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I don't know what to do. I have always been a failure, but now I'm bringing someone else into my cycle of fail.


This right here needs to change. You are NOT a failure. Look at the positive things you have in in your life - you have a loving boyfriend and a mother in your life. This is already a success!


I can understand the depression that you feel. I had to leave my job in May, and it was an awful job, too. I work in a field that has a mythical "demand" (not true- there is a huge teacher surplus), and I hadn't even so much as had an interview until this week.


These are tough times for job seekers. If you want to get one, you can't give up, and that is really the only thing that will keep it going.

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First off, you're not a failure. I've been unemployed for about 8 months now. It just so happens to be that times are rough. Have you been calling the places you have applied for or just waiting for them to call you? And also, are these places you're applying for jobs you could see yourself enjoying or just good paying ones?


Since you've been 8 mos out of work, what do you do? How do you deal? I know when I wake up in the morning I'm angry that I woke up again. Knowing I have no job to go to, no money incoming, no nothing.


What do you tell potential employers as to the reason why you've been out of work for so long? Blaming the economy seems like such a cop out. I feel as though if I'm not out there standing in the unemployment office every day or begging people for a job that I'm not doing something right.


I just don't know what the next step is supposed to be

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What do you tell potential employers as to the reason why you've been out of work for so long? Blaming the economy seems like such a cop out.


I'm interested in why you think it is a cop out? It is not uncommon for employers to get 200+ applications for openings now a days, so I think most employers see this as a valid excuse right now.


I would explain to the employers that I have been applying and interviewing for positions, but that the competition for these jobs has simply been very tough.


Perhaps you could come up with a witty response for when that question comes up to help make you stand out among the other applicants? I'm not good with witty stuff, but something along the lines of "Although I've been looking elsewhere, I've been waiting for a position at your company to open up!"

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Prepare for your interviews! Find out about the company/ organization;

How many employees do they have?

How many locations are they based at?

What departments do they have?

What do they provide?

What do they want from the successful applicant?

What can you provide to the role?


You need to show that you know about who you are working for! Who they provide a service for and what they provide! If you get that right you are half way there!


Don't worry about the time gap between jobs. Just worry about what you can provide in the positions you are applying for.


Review your CV/ Resume, and create a strong covering letter.


Be strong and confident in interviews. Introduce yourself and shake hands before and after the interview. Refrain from joking, but smile to show that you are confident in your abilities and proud of your achievements. Mirror body language and speak clearly. It never hurts to look your best either.

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Since you've been 8 mos out of work, what do you do? How do you deal? I know when I wake up in the morning I'm angry that I woke up again. Knowing I have no job to go to, no money incoming, no nothing.


What do you tell potential employers as to the reason why you've been out of work for so long? Blaming the economy seems like such a cop out. I feel as though if I'm not out there standing in the unemployment office every day or begging people for a job that I'm not doing something right.


I just don't know what the next step is supposed to be


I am pretty similar to waking up and feeling like "what for?". It's hard to wake up knowing you have no structure in your life or a certain task in the morning you need to do. There is the occasional reasons to wake up, say you're meeting someone early in the morning, but that's not constant.


It is hard, but the best thing I have found to do is set goals. Tell yourself "Ok, i'm going to wake up and call this company I applied for and see what the status is on my application." Keep doing this until you have an answer from the company.


I usually put that I have been doing school or have been preoccupied in other activities, therefore I haven't been able to have another job. Your excuses may differ from mine, so you may have to work around on what to say to potential employers.


So, I can tell you right now you're not alone. I have applied to a variety of places so far and will be calling the companies up shortly to see what the status of my application is. You just have to keep strong and know that if you keep a fighting effort to get a job and plan to be successful, you can and will.

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Why didnt you have time to find a therapist?


They didn't tell me I'd have to find a therapist until a week before I needed to be back.


Have you ever tried to schedule an emergency appointment with a therapist when you haven't been regularly going to them? It's dang near impossible. I called literally 10 of them that were on the list and they were all out for a month. I should have gone back to work anyway, but that day I broke down and cried before I got to the door. I couldn't walk up into that call center with as close to a red face as I can get, with red eyes and a wet shirt. Just the thought of going back in there made me almost puke.


I should have just puked and gotten it over with. As it stands now, my bf and I are going to have to go move back to my home state. I should have thought out my life better.


I really should have.

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Don't feel too alone here, this has dragged on a long time for me too.

2 years now. I thought that when you worked every day, and got 20 years at a company, you'd be ok...that's what I was taught.




I'm forced to re-evaluate everything now, I have always paid my bills, now I cannot.


They are taking the house I bought 10 years ago, which is fine beacause when she split 2 years ago, I now live with ghosts in an empty house, I'll be glad to go.


Don't worry, things will sort out eventually. I'm a professional, licensed in 2 states and will soon be packing up to move up to my land in NC and live in a borrowed airstream for a while and sort it all out......


Peace, you are definitely not alone, try not to let it get you sick, I was barfing every morning when I woke up, wouldn't eat, couldn't sleep. The pressure is immense and at times I panic the f out, but I try to fight it.....


And this too shall pass.



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Life is nuts sometimes. Right now, my bf can't decide what he wants to do and wants to ride it out until he gets an offer from some job. Right up until we get kicked out of here.

I'm trying not to be angry at him because of this.


I don't know about you but I really want to know what I have to do to be so set in life that this crap doesn't happen. It seems like every 2 years something stupid happens.

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