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depression linked with inability to think and show emotion?

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I have been clinically depressed since last February, and I have had constant problems of trying to stay on my anti-depressant without smoking marijuana.


I have recently told my friends to leave me alone so I can take the medication and I know that lack of emotion is a symptom of depression, but I have no ability to think at all...I can't reflect on anything, and nothing really comes to my mind..I seem to have no sense of time, no fear of anything, and I just go through the motions everyday. and I just want to understand what the cause of all of this is so I can understand my problem more.


I hope I can get some help.

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Did you have there same symptoms before you started taking the meds? I believe that is what anti-depressants do. They are designed to keep you from dwelling on the things that bother you. They sort of take away your ability to concentrate. I find it very difficult to work and get easily distracted.

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Did you have there same symptoms before you started taking the meds? I believe that is what anti-depressants do. They are designed to keep you from dwelling on the things that bother you. They sort of take away your ability to concentrate. I find it very difficult to work and get easily distracted.


I was kind of blocked out in terms of thinking before I started taking the meds as well..I had awful concentration and just would go through day by day without remembering much of what I did the day before.


the pill I am taking right now is called Cipralex. it's supposed to work within one month of use.


I am just trying to avoid my brother since everyday he tries to ask me if I want to smoke pot and I just say no, so hopefully now he gets the hint.

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Stay away from pot (and alcohol) while you are on meds, or just depressed in general! I used to smoke pot while I was on Cipralex, and it definitely didn't make me feel better. That's good that you are making an effort to stay away from it though, and maybe you should tell your brother that it isn't good for you, and he should understand and respect that.

I think I understand the feeling you're talking about, and before and while I was on the meds I always felt completely apathetic, sort of like a zombie all the time. I couldn't concentrate in school. I took the meds for about 3 years, eventually when I felt I was ready I slowly stopped taking them, and found that I didn't need them anymore. I learned how to deal with my depression in other ways, writing about it, exercising, art, volunteering and working. For some people meds are just a temporary thing to stabilize them for a little while, which may be what you need. This state of apathy is just temporary, and it will eventually disappear.


Having depression through college was a very difficult transition for me, especially in terms of friends. They couldn't really understand what was happening to me (which I barely could too), so I just mostly tried to stay away from them, in order not to hurt them. It might be beneficial to try to explain to your friends that you are depressed, that way they won't take it personally. It might also be helpful to go to support groups or therapy, this way you can interact with other people with depression and learn more about it, most importantly learn that you are not alone! There are many ways of coping with this!

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Having depression through college was a very difficult transition for me, especially in terms of friends. They couldn't really understand what was happening to me (which I barely could too), so I just mostly tried to stay away from them, in order not to hurt them. It might be beneficial to try to explain to your friends that you are depressed, that way they won't take it personally. It might also be helpful to go to support groups or therapy, this way you can interact with other people with depression and learn more about it, most importantly learn that you are not alone! There are many ways of coping with this!


I have to agree, discussing these things with your friends in FULL honesty will actually help them understand what you are going through. I didn't have depression, but my anxiety disorder appeared in college. During that time, i would mostly go to work, school, and the dorm. I was too anxious to go out with friends. When I finally told them what was going on, they actually would come over and watch movies at my place, knowing it would help me relax. They brought me food, drinks, etc... when I had bad panic attacks.


And...no on the pot. dude, you CANNOT take anti depressants and smoke pot. This is a very bad psycho-medical combination. You will never know how the drugs are working if you keep smoking pot. And the pot is probably giving you that 'zoned' out feeling.

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I thought I would throw an update out there to say that come this upcoming sunday it will be 2 weeks of me being on the anti-depressants without smoking pot once. Last week I had 1 beer with a friend and stopped, and had half a beer a few days later so I hope that didnt interfere with the pills. other than that, I have been on the anti-depressant everyday without allowing any interference. I am taking Cipralex right now as my anti-depressant and I really am crossing my fingers about getting my ability to think again, and getting back the ability to express emotion once I take the pill for a month or so..


I am happy that I am doing the right things to try to better myself so I hope I can see the light again someday soon in the near future.

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