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Missed Oportunities


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Don't you just hate it when this happens? You see someone you're really attracted to and, chance has it, they actually talk to you, but you're not quick enough to react and then they're gone and you didn't get their number or they didn't get yours. Grrrr


It's really hard to meet someone I'm attracted to as it is, and when the opportunity does come along, I blow it! This is what happened: I was taking my dogs out to the front yard to do their business, and I see two good-looking, totally my type of guys walking by. As they pass in front of me they both stare at me and I look back at them (this is already a huge feat for me because usually I look away or down). Then I overhear one say, "Talk to her.", and they turn back and ask me something. Before I knew it my little dogs were attacking them so I had to take them away and well, the guys left. I blew it because I had the chance to say something but I was distracted by my dogs so I just left.


Oh well. Has something similar happened to you?

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There was one occasion where I was at a student bar and a girl from the first year walks up to me and starts chatting away as we're ordering our drinks. She was very pretty and cheerful, and we seemed to click. She asks me if I'd join her at her table. For some unknown, and terribly stupid reason I reply with "Maybe in a bit, just gonna see my mates". So I go and sit with my mates with a smile on my face and tell them how I just got chatted up. I spend 10 minutes psyching myself up for what to say to her, only to walk over and find that her and her friends had left. And seeing as how I've never had a girlfriend, I feel quite stupid looking back at that moment. ](*,)

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Stuff like that happens to me alll the time. I guess it's what happens when you're really shy, but the same situation has happened to me before. On my regular dog walk I pass by a house where guy lives and is really quite cute, and usually outside. He always smiles and says hi, but I am so freaking awkward that I usually just mumble something probably incoherent and quickly look down or pay attention to my dogs...blah!

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I missed a lot of opportunities back in school because I was like terrified of girls or something. Well not terrified of girls but I don't know, I was scared of something.


I remember one time this girl I liked, she lived accross the street. One day out of nowhere somebody asks her out for me, and she looks at me and says yes! Omg, what did I do? I freaking walked away really fast into a crowd of people. Why? Who the hell knows, I really liked her, I was scared of something. Other such similar events happened to me a few times, sucks. I could have had a lot better time in school, thats for sure.


Missed out on girls who had crushes on me. I never would have thought in a billion years any girl would like me at the time. i don't find out till years later when I've already been out of highschool for 4 years that girls actually liked me for some reason. Me that smelly loser poor kid who couldn't even wash his own damn clothes had girls that liked him. And girls I liked! And they were good looking at the time! lol.


I guess I could add in more recent times, that I've missed seme opportunities. I remember a few times, catching a girls eye as we pass eachother, and I look back, and shes looking back at me! And I'm always to scared to turn around and go talk to her. Maybe it would be weird, I don't know. I figure if shes turned to look at me thats a pretty good indication she might have some interest lol.

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my best pickup and it was 100% truthful and not really meant to be a pickup was, 'i saw you from over there and i don't even care if you talk to me or not, i saw your eyes and had to tell you my name. i had to talk to you.' she said nobody has ever approached her like that and i got her number. she was pretty. too bad she didn't have anything going for her and i had to bail after a while. bummer.

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my best pickup and it was 100% truthful and not really meant to be a pickup was, 'i saw you from over there and i don't even care if you talk to me or not, i saw your eyes and had to tell you my name. i had to talk to you.' she said nobody has ever approached her like that and i got her number. she was pretty. too bad she didn't have anything going for her and i had to bail after a while. bummer.


i think the best pickups tend to be the ones that are when you don't intend it to be.


just had a missed opportunity today too. blah whatever..

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I know what you mean. Back in high school, I had so many missed opportunities. One girl followed me around and was constantly dropping hints that she was attracted to me. And the sad thing is, she was cute! But I was too shy to make a move, and she lost interest.


A year ago, this girl at work kept on trying to get me into a conversation. She was extremely attractive, and I had a mad crush on her. However, every conversation we ever had was extremely awkward, and even though she kept on smiling at me when I walked by her, she stopped trying to make conversation.


Shyness is a curse, I'm telling you.

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This is why guys should use persistence when picking up girls. Girls are often not quick enough to react. Or when they react, they reflexively reject you, even though they actually really like you. If you are persistent, you often do get the number.



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