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why do we make fools of ourselves


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Gosh I've done this so many times too. Overdone the contact trying to FORCE someone into liking me / replying to me... Always works out of my favour.. Even managed to scare of guys who did genuinely really like me because I was trying to rush things. I always realise AFTER the fact how silly I looked...


I have learnt to bite my tongue, hold back, not text or email too often etc etc etc...


Thank god these rules don't apply with my friends though. I'm a social person, I love being in contact with the people I care for...


But anyway the point is, a lot of us do this... and yes I think in my case too it's cos I'm lonley and bored... and so desperately want some excitement and romance in my life.



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I think we do daft things, out of desperation.

Desperation for a relationship and to be in one.

Some guy/girl comes along that we like and we go all out to try and hang onto it. If we sense we are losing it, we tend to resort to clingy behaviours...


It's best to have no expectations at all and when getting to know someone new and just takes things as they come....rather than be planning what colour your wedding dress will be. And if it fails...so what? It just wasnt meant to be and there are plenty more fish in the pond...


Thankfully I've never acted desperate for any man. If they want me, they want me...if they dont, then au revoir mon cher.

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I think we do daft things, out of desperation.

Desperation for a relationship and to be in one.

Some guy/girl comes along that we like and we go all out to try and hang onto it. If we sense we are losing it, we tend to resort to clingy behaviours...


It's best to have no expectations at all and when getting to know someone new and just takes things as they come....rather than be planning what colour your wedding dress will be. And if it fails...so what? It just wasnt meant to be and there are plenty more fish in the pond...


Thankfully I've never acted desperate for any man. If they want me, they want me...if they dont, then au revoir mon cher.



LOL @ planning what colour your wedding dress will be. But very good and sounds words. I totally agree!

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Huh? don't agree with you here. I think it's very easy to make a fool of yourself.. when one is blinded with infatuation for another. That does not mean the person is bored, unhappy or lonely!


I think it's true.


People wouldnt get so infatuated with another and so easily, if they lived an eventful life and had other things to focus on and preoccupy their minds with....besides a man they may have met online and known for a whole two minutes.


Boredom and loneliness can result in people acting desperately and try to cling onto some imagined love affair, that never really was and because this man helped them escape the boredom/loneliness for a while and made us feel wanted and special...


It's easy to crush on a man if we are bored and lonely and he pays us attention.


Sultana said : LOL @ planning what colour your wedding dress will be


Funny, but true....


Is it any wonder that guys will run for the hills!! LOL

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I think people who are looking, are likely even to be more 'desperate' to be in a relationship and cling on to a guy/female...


And if you arent bored or lonely, you usually arent looking and because your life is filled with other things to focus on, other than how quick you can bag a man.

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