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Im wondering why people cheat on the person they surposing love ?


do they get bored

or they cant risk temptation

or they are bullsy enought to break up with them ?



ive never been cheated on and would never cheat.. im just wondering why people do it.

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if their no longer committed to the one they love, why not have the heart and break up withthem.. saves the person who got chated on feeling worthless and continousily asking themselves what they did wrong or what they could of done better. i think cheating is possibly the worst thing ever.. cheating as in kissing right threw to sex..

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if their no longer committed to the one they love, why not have the heart and break up withthem.. saves the person who got chated on feeling worthless and continousily asking themselves what they did wrong or what they could of done better. i think cheating is possibly the worst thing ever.. cheating as in kissing right threw to sex..


Many cheaters are also cowards. They don't have the balls to just break up with someone and avoid communicating about issues because it means stepping up and challenging yourself to be a better partner.


I've been cheated on, it sucks. But I wouldn't call it the worst thing ever.

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People cheat for all sorts of reasons and some don't even feel guilty at all... They feel that the cheating is separate from the love they have with their partner... Some guys see prostitutes on the side because they consider it a "hobby"... So many reasons why people cheat


- some men want sexual variety, perhaps the wife or gf is not kinky in bed or perhaps the guy has fetishes he is afraid to tell his partner

so he goes and visits prostitutes


-to some men it's fun, it validates their ego, it makes them feel good about themselves if other women are attracted to them, they need reassurance


- some men cheat cause the wife or gf is not giving them enough sex. some men have very high sex drives and when their not getting it at home they feel they have to release it they'll explode


- some people feel that they want to have their cake and eat it too. they feel they are entitled to a steady partner but also want something extra on the side...


and not just mean cheat.. plenty of women do too...

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People cheat for a variety of reasons - there are different types of cheaters out there - but there is one common theme for all of them: they think they can beat the system and gain something without it costing anyone anything. Very few people that cheat do so in an expectation of being caught; almost all of them that think about it at all (and some don't, believe it or not) convince themselves that what they're doing, if not right, is at least not ultimately going to be harmful to anyone. It's a completely mistaken belief, since cheating invariably harms a relationship even if it's not found out, but this is what people cheating generally believe and how they justify to themselves going ahead with the action.

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there is another reason why people cheat, egs: boyfriend thinks his girl is cheating, and is not satisfied with her answers, so he goes out and gets in a cheat, to justify his beliefs, finds out she is innocent, oooer!


what class of cheating is this?

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there is another reason why people cheat, egs: boyfriend thinks his girl is cheating, and is not satisfied with her answers, so he goes out and gets in a cheat, to justify his beliefs, finds out she is innocent, oooer!


what class of cheating is this?


That is "misguided revenge cheating". I would hope after doing something like that the person would learn a very important lesson about cheating and about being vengeful.


There are many reasons people cheat..unhappiness with the relationship but don't want to split because they are getting certain perks from being in a relationship....unhappiness within themself....the thrill of doing something daring and "dangerous"....the sexual thrill...the thrill of having other people desire them etc.

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That is "misguided revenge cheating". I would hope after doing something like that the person would learn a very important lesson about cheating and about being vengeful.


There are many reasons people cheat..unhappiness with the relationship but don't want to split because they are getting certain perks from being in a relationship....unhappiness within themself....the thrill of doing something daring and "dangerous"....the sexual thrill...the thrill of having other people desire them etc.



thanks c.a.d's, will look at my bro in a different light!

misguided revenge... god! sounds like a good film title!

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Hey there, I figured I'd direct you to a past posting of mine:


It was an article I wrote on the forum about Cheating (in general). It's sort of long...But you might find it intriguing and it covers a lot of ground about it from my personal view and studies.

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What about this other reason some cheat.... They cheat because their SO cheated on them once (or more) and still not getting over it, they see it as payback time. This is called revenge cheating.... I would do revenge cheating if I ever got cheated on but first I imagine myself setting him up for a trap. This means that I would pretend I had forgiven him and will work it out while going with the setup of cheating him back. Go along with that plan for almost 2 till I finally tell him the truth that it was all a set-up and happily smile, telling him I cheated and walked out laughing.....

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Cheating in all of its forms is just wrong. Whether its physical or emotional. Like everyone has said there are many reasons why people cheat, but none of those reasons are ever justified. I think people who cheat in any capacity just have no moral compass or reguard for anyone else. Many don't even feel bad about what they did. There was a line I saw in a very bad movie a few years ago about cheating that for some reason really registered with me: "Its never the cheater who goes to hell, its always the one that he/she cheated on."

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It amazes me when one member of the couple cheats on the other. It would be far better to be up front and end the illusion of being a true partner. onesty wwhile sometimes painful, is allways better then the lies and deceptions that come hand and hand with cheating.

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