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Another loss....


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I just wanted to give everyone an update....so the guy I was posting about earlier today called me and he ended it.


I already knew that this was coming just because of the texts that he had sent me earlier, I mean I have to admit I am little confused because he always said that he had a good time after every single date. I thought things were going well, I mean that's what he said.


Oh well what can I say...? I am hurt but I will not sit here and say that all men suck, because I know that they don't. I went into this willingly and I knew that there was a possibility that it wouldn't lead me anywhere.


I am trying to accept the fact that getting dumped is a good thing because you get rid of a person who doesn't want to be with you and you make room for a person who DOES want to be with you.


I know I am going to be a little sad but I know that I am strong woman and I will overcome this, I can't do anything but write this off as another learning experience and always remember the fact that real love is out there.

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Aww hun, I know the feeling... been there a few times... and it does hurt like anything... but your words are all true and very rational. With time, the sad feelings will pass and you will find someone who is better suited to you. All I can say is keep busy, hang out with your friends and in time the feelings will fade!



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This the guy that wanted to take things "slow"?


I'm sorry, that sucks but these things happen. You will find someone else.


Yes it was the guy who wanted to take things "slow", and I am not saying he lead me on, but he was the one who was saying "oh yeah I think I could really fall in love with you" and " I had such an amazing time" after all of our dates. He even called me Monday to make a date with me for this weekend...


like I said confused....


However I refuse to sit here and cry and act like I will die without him, there are plenty of other fish out there, and I am looking for the one who really wants to be there for me.

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Yes it was the guy who wanted to take things "slow", and I am not saying he lead me on, but he was the one who was saying "oh yeah I think I could really fall in love with you" and " I had such an amazing time" after all of our dates. He even called me Monday to make a date with me for this weekend...


like I said confused....


However I refuse to sit here and cry and act like I will die without him, there are plenty of other fish out there, and I am looking for the one who really wants to be there for me.


Good job. You're smarter than a lot of people. Just curious, why did he say he was ending it?

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Good job. You're smarter than a lot of people. Just curious, why did he say he was ending it?


That's the funny part he didn't... and I sure as heck wasn't going to sit there and beg him to stay...


All he said was " you are really nice and sweet but I just don't have those feelings for you"


I said I appreciate your honesty and I already knew that this is where it was going. That's ok, and then I said well I have some stuff to take care of but good luck.

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sorry to hear that lunarstar, i know exactly how you feel as i've been on the receiving end of exactly that. hurt me like crazy. you look after yourself, its his loss.


Thanks ackerman....I don't know if its his loss, but I do know that I could have probably made him very happy. Oh well can't do anything but move forward and have faith that if I meant ot be with someone they will eventually come along.

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im sure you would of made him happy and i believe i would of made mine happy too. we did what we could and tried our best! i used to be a very confident, humorous person and i would of done anything for the girl i was with. ever since she let me go i've been nothing but depressed and found it very difficult to get close to anybody else. dont let him bring you down though. hugz

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im sure you would of made him happy and i believe i would of made mine happy too. we did what we could and tried our best! i used to be a very confident, humorous person and i would of done anything for the girl i was with. ever since she let me go i've been nothing but depressed and found it very difficult to get close to anybody else. dont let him bring you down though. hugz




If you were very confident then what's stopping you from being confident. I know I mentioned this in one of my previous posts but I really believe that getting dumped is a good thing because you get rid of someone who doesn't want to be with you and you are making room for someone who does.


I mean if you think about it why would you want to spend all you love and effort on someone who isn't going to do the same for you. I know that we all get lonely sometimes but we have to keep in mind that things happen for a reason.


The problem with us is that we are constantly thinking about the past and the future, we need to remember that the PRESENT moment is the only one that exists.


The present is the only thing that we can control and we need to enjoy it as much as possible no matter what happens to us because we only have this one life, why not make the best of it...?

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