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How to get a girl to like me?


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There's this girl in one of my classes at school, I don't really know much about her, but I know that she is a nice person, and not a tramp or anything like that. She's an intellect, I can hear the conversations she has with her other friends, and this is how I know. I've never really talked to her, but I find that she is attractive, and I want to move from there. How could I start this out on a good foot? I can't just start talking to her out of no where I'm sure, the class is generally a quiet one, and only everyone would hear what I'm saying...So what do I do??

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Why dont you talk to her when you are out-of-class, just smile and say hi when you see her around, make her notice you more.


Ask her a question in class about the work, get her to help you out with it. This will make her notice you and then you can move on from there.


Make sure you are confident, pleasant and be a gentleman.


Good luck!



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Be nice always smile. Go out of your way to help her out, but not to much. Like if she sits near you offer her paper or make conversation. If not then occasionally glance at her. It'll let her know your into her, and she might feel the same.

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She does sit near me. Actually, it's behind me, so I don't know exactly how I would make jolting 180 degrees to glance at her look normal. Like I said, we've never really had conversation, so its hard to just start talking, when it would clearly show what Im trying to do, and make the situation feel awkward.

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If there are people you know around you, talk to them. That allows you to turn sideways and you both get a glance at each other. When the moment comes, try to make openings for her to join the conversation.



Try asking her a question about something in class, when she answers, say something like "wow, you're really smart". Flip your pencil around when you're sitting, then 'accidently' let it fly behind you onto the ground. She should pick it up, and then you get to make brief contact when she hands you the pencil. Follow up with "you're so nice" or just "thank you very much". Sound sincere. Good luck.

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Just bite your tongue and do it..seriously, thats what I did with a girl in my class that I like and so far the results are in my favor and i'm gonna try and ask her out soon. I always think whats the worst that could happen out of this..

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Well its pretty obvious that nothing is going to happen. I don't exist, you know? It feels lonely when you see all these people, even if they're guys, get flirted with, or get asked out, but yet it never seems to happen to me..Did I forget to put meat in my back pocket or something?

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