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Thick girls.


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Personally, I like curvy girls, too, but I have to be shallow and say I don't like girls to be too overweight. The girls the OP showed us were all pretty hot, though. I, too, like a variety of girls, and curvy girls get me hard as often as slim models do.


I sort of like seeing some thickness on girls in porn because it's something that shows they're human. Perfectly shaped, tanned, and airbrushed girls do nothing for me because they seem so plastic I half expect an embossed label somewhere that says "Made in Taiwan". This is sort of why I like a little bit of hair down there or a little bit of awkwardness/shyness in their demeanor.

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There was a girl who checked out my stuff at the bookstore today who was a little chubby. But I thought she was very attractive.


I don't think it ever matters except if you're morbidly obese, and that is just plain unhealthy. Chubby is fine, having a little extra weight is fine.

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Theres tons of us. Maybe we are all just ugly pieces of crap ourselves and thats why we like you? Maybe all the hot guys think you are gross. lol. I don't know how hot guys think. I can't really tell if a guy is hot or not otherwise I would know for sure ^_^

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Theres tons of us. Maybe we are all just ugly pieces of crap ourselves and thats why we like you? Maybe all the hot guys think you are gross. lol. I don't know how hot guys think. I can't really tell if a guy is hot or not otherwise I would know for sure ^_^


I don't think all of you guys are ugly pieces of crap, I just think that it takes very mature men to admit the fact that true beauty is more than the way one looks...

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Aww you two are sweet


Symbolic always remember not to put yourself down, I am sure that you have many admirable qualities that would make you an excellent partner for anyone.


It seems that you already have the "beauty is only skin deep" complex out of the way already...so I am sure you are well on your way towards finding someone.

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Symbolic, you are totally one of my favourite posters.


Your posts make me think that a kitten is posting them. I kid you not. Utterly adorable and so soft spoken yet with a degree of unsure assertiveness that can only be described as cute.


Yet, your avi doesn't look like that kitten. You look rather tough and manish.


I like it when people have that contrast to them. It makes them special and unexpected. Something I don't come accross very often.

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Symbolic, you are totally one of my favourite posters.


Your posts make me think that a kitten is posting them. I kid you not. Utterly adorable and so soft spoken yet with a degree of unsure assertiveness that can only be described as cute.


Yet, your avi doesn't look like that kitten. You look rather tough and manish.


I like it when people have that contrast to them. It makes them special and unexpected. Something I don't come accross very often.


He looks like more of a baller in his pic!!! Ha lol.


I love me some thick women!! Except lately I have noticed, there are really no "Thick" Women up in Chicago, either REALLY LARGE, or tiny. Even my ex, she was thick and lost a bunch of wait, why I have no clue?? Then my two best friends "0-0" got all saggy. Maybe I really dont want her back ha lol!!!

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I don't think all of you guys are ugly pieces of crap, I just think that it takes very mature men to admit the fact that true beauty is more than the way one looks...


There's ALWAYS beauty in the way one looks - it's just a matter of HOW they look!!


It especially helps if they have confidence and are putting forth an effort to appear beautiful.


Sometimes it takes longer, but once the appreciation is gained...


I could stare at my ex's body all night long. Itwas absolutely gorgeous. Even with the extra here and the extra there, the natrual woman hips, and her otherwise over the hill boobs...the extra here and there was really nice for when I hugged her, and the nice part for her, is when she was dressed you relaly couldn't see any of her extra here or there.


Sigh, I really was whooped. Don't worry, I'll get over her!

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There's ALWAYS beauty in the way one looks - it's just a matter of HOW they look!!


It especially helps if they have confidence and are putting forth an effort to appear beautiful.


Sometimes it takes longer, but once the appreciation is gained...


I could stare at my ex's body all night long. Itwas absolutely gorgeous. Even with the extra here and the extra there, the natrual woman hips, and her otherwise over the hill boobs...the extra here and there was really nice for when I hugged her, and the nice part for her, is when she was dressed you relaly couldn't see any of her extra here or there.


Sigh, I really was whooped. Don't worry, I'll get over her!



I would agree that there is beauty everywhere, for I believe that all of us have lots of somethings that make us special and that make us who we are.


The thing is not everyone can recognize the fact that beauty is important ( I mean I am not going to lie) but that fades. Its a temporary illusion that fades with age.


The real trick is seeing all other qualities that make that person so beautiful and special....

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