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Starting college, but still can;t completely get over her

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I am starting college in a week, and i will be a freshman this year. this is a big change in my life obviously. this summer I had to battle with breaking up with the first girlfriend I had. I cant get over feeling empty or lonely. We had mutual friends, but due to the anxiety I could barely be around any of them cause i got attacks with her around. I fell in love with her quite badly it seems. I am realistic in realizing she will not coming back, but i miss not having someone there for me like that person. She is now about a 1000 miles away going to school ways away from me, so I hope it will be easier. At the same time i get sad cause i get very nervous I wont fall in love as deep as i did that first time, or I will naturally compare experience,s which I know isnt good. And i get pessimistic cause i feel like everyone at college is gonna drink, party, or always be promiscuous. I guess thats not me. I got real sad when a Senior going to the school who I took advice from backdoor peer pressured me into saying i should drink in college when I firmly stand by my decision to not. It got me sad thinking and realizing how many people will just not be like me in college. I hope someone has something to offer about my negative feelings. thanks

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Hey I know it sounds like everyone drinks and parties in college but I promise it is really not like that. I don't know where you are going to school, and some definitely have more party reputations but that doesn't mean you won't find anyone like you. Are you living in the dorms? You will meet a ton of people there, in class, and if you get involved in any activities/clubs. Also, even if you do meet a lot of people who party that doesn't mean you can't be friends with them. People really don't care if you drink or not. Unlike high school, people are more respectful of other people's decisions. You can still go to parties and not drink. For example, you can offer yourself to be designated driver. I don't think you have a whole lot to worry about. I'm sure going to college will also help you heal from your breakup because you will see how many really great girls are out there!

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People did pour out and go in as deep as they can in 1st love, me too. It was innocent and tempting!! I thrown myself in almost 100%.


Brett, its okay to fail in relationship, especially 1st, we do learn from it. People always say they won't fall or fear won't fall as deep as 1st love....This is because they learned from 1st broken relationship, we all grew mature and become stronger after a failure in relationship. We become better at handling those situation. Love is unpredictable, when the feels right, chemistry happens. Move on Brett! and stay NC.


Brett, freshman huh? Me too, I can't wait to start mine next year. When you stepped in and meet new people, trust me, its only time matter before you are over your ex.

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You'll meet plenty of new people in college especially your freshman year. If you're living in the dorms that is a great way and you will be able to find those who share similar interests as you do. You'll meet people from all walks of life!

Hopefully staying busy and meeting new people can mend a broken heart.

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