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So last year my boyfriend and I ended a particularly rocky relationship with a lot of bad blood between us (despite me still having feelings for him), we saw almost nothing of one an other and when we did it would often end up in an argument, some worse than others.


Pretty soon we stopped bumping into one an other completely and I certainly began to pull myself together. A few months ago we began to talk again in a friendly manner, texting, phoning and obviously meeting one another. Things from my angle looked positive and it looked like we may give the relationship an other shot. But that proved to not happen and instead he simply turned his back on me again. So with all that behind me I decided to get out in the field again, and somehow he knew everything I was doing and would phone me up to question me on it despite us not being on friendly terms.


And now he has started sending me similar messages to the ones he did when we were in the half-friend stage earlier this year. So my question is, should I reply and hope that this time he has changed for the better, or do I leave it and continue moving on as I would of if he hadn't tried to communicate with me?

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I have gone back to the same guy over and over after he begged and promised to change. I mean out and out begged, not just casually get back. And you know what, he never did. Things would be better for a few weeks but then they were right back to being lousy. I know there are people out there that can change for the better when they really want to. But I think the majority of people who ask for 2nd chances just miss what was familiar to them. They is why they want a 2nd chance, not because they had some big ah ha moment and are suddenly going to become a different person.

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