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Can this just 'appear' or do you 'catch' it from someone?

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i hope this isn't a stupid question,


ive been feeling kind of sick lately (really bad naseua), plus a few other things


To have anything wrong - sexually - can it just 'appear' out of the blue or do you need to 'catch' it from someone?


I was tested before i was with my boyfriend and i was all clear. I wanted to make sure before we became intimate. About 2 months into our relationship i think it was, i had a pap smear done (for the first time, not pleasant!!! lol) and that came back all clear, no problems, nothing wrong.


So going by those 2 things i know im clear. Its only been him.


I dont know if anything is wrong sexually in that way (std's etc etc) There probably isn't. The symptoms i have are basically pregnancy symptoms but he ruled that out.


when i said to my bf that i was unwell and waiting on results the first thing he asked me if it was somethign sexually. Which in itself is making me wonder why ask me that of all possible conclusions.


So basically, can somethig like that just suddenly appear or do you need to get it from someone?


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Who ruled out pregnancy? The doctor? When did you have a pregnancy test done?


Nausea does not sound like an std symptom to me. Sounds more like either pregnancy or some sort of virus (likely the flu).


Yeah other symptoms apart from nausea are feeling sick before eating, after eating, going to the bathroom more, having one bite of something and feeling full despite being starving 5 mins before, thirsty, tired etc etc....


The doc did a urine test. and said i wasn't pregant. I thought i might be as there was a mishap with the condom but he said coz i was due for my period in a few days (which came) the chances were slim.

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Yeah other symptoms apart from nausea are feeling sick before eating, after eating, going to the bathroom more, having one bite of something and feeling full despite being starving 5 mins before, thirsty, tired etc etc....

Doesn't sound like an STD to me. Do you have a fever?


To answer your original question, yes, you have to catch it from someone. But some viruses are very easy to catch.

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