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Ex broke NC...how to respond?

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My ex bf dumped me on 7/9. We are freshmen at the same small college. For about a month after he dumped me, he'd randomly text me like once a week. I politely told him to stop contacting me unless he wanted to test the waters for a relationship, which he said was fine. About a week after I told him "NC, please," I broke down and emailed him to see if he wanted to talk about why the relationship failed...it seemed like a good idea at the time. He never replied.


There have been lots of orientation activities this past week @ school, and I've had to see him a lot (ugh). We made eye contact several times but never spoke or smiled or anything.


Tonight, there was an activity that involved guys and girls being put in groups together for a fun activity. The orientation people put you in groups, and it happened that my ex and his friends and my friends and I were right next to each other in line to be grouped together. My ex left.


Then, like ten minutes later, he sends me this text, saying "I left because we were gonna be in the same group and I thought you'd have more fun than if I was there."


Argh!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't even feel any longing when I saw him in line, but then he had to go and text me! I'm so annoyed by it. It was completely unecessary.


So far, I've ignored him, but then if he does want to "test the waters," my ignoring him would probably send a bad message. What should I do???

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So far, I've ignored him, but then if he does want to "test the waters," my ignoring him would probably send a bad message. What should I do???


He dumped you, you have to have some boundaries. You set the boundary of no contact unless he wants to work the relationship out, which i think is fair enough. He broke NC and contacted you. You stipulated No Contact, so i don't think you should do anything.


Secondly, if he wanted to work it out and gave up after you ignored one message, then i would say he's not worth it. If he wants you back, he should work for it.

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