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I see now why she dumped me. After going out with half a dozen girls since my ex dumped me I've come to realize there's nothing attractive about the type of person I am at all. The people I've been seeing are closer to me than her. They don't have direction, they don't shine with the kind of brightness that my ex and I did when we started college together. I feel like I've lost my way after dropping out, my life is at a stand still. These past few girls are the same way. They don't seem like they know what they're doing with themselves, they live and work and fail at school just like I did. I didn't deserve my ex at all, I used to be by her side when it came to the future but I fell from that and she stood by me as long as she could hoping I would get back up but I didn't, and I still haven't. She says I should find someone more like me and I know this is exactly what she meant, I supposed to be with another failure just like me. But I just can't accept that after her.

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Isn't it possible she could have meant many different things but that you are telling yourself a doom and gloom story? Truthfully, you can't read minds and you don't know what she meant so why not tell yourself a story that makes you feel good instead of one that makes you feel bad? It takes just as much energy and doesn't change the outcome - just drives you less crazy.

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You seem to getting really down on yourself and using that as an excuse to why the relationship didn't work and things are not going well for you dating wise. You have to remain positive and address the things in your life that will make it better, such as something like getting back into school. I don't know the circumstances but it seems your linking your problems to dropping out of school. And I am sure you have attractive qualities! Of course, an education is a key quality but it is only one quality in an individual. You can't blame the relationship ending on your situation. There are many ways to understand why someone says that you need someone more like you. It could be your personality or attitude, not necessarily your current situation. Regardless, it will take some time to get over this and it will be hard but you are moving in the right direction by trying to meet other people. And as for the types of people you are meeting, let me tell you it can take many dates before you find someone you like and attain that shine once again but you will. Sometimes it can happen right away, sometimes it takes a little time. And more often than not, you meet someone in the unlikeliest of situations. Don't give up just yet. Like I said, you have to remain positive, try not to get so down on yourself, recognize the aspects of your life that you want to make better and then go for it. And although you may feel like this girl was the right girl for you and you let her get away, she probably wasn't. In the long run, it probably was not meant to be. Stay strong, remain positive and the best of luck to you.

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