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My ex talking to me in song quotes?!


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So this might seem a bit far fetched but here goes...


My ex and I have been broken up for a little over 2 months now. We have been on and off for 6.5 years and when he broke it off he said the relationship was getting too stressful, he felt like I was becoming increasingly negative and that he thought we might be better off matched with other people. The two times I asked him if it was over for good this time, he told me that he "couldn't predict the future, don't worry if we do or don't get back together," and "whatever happens, happens."


NC now for 7 weeks or so and I've been taking this time to work on myself and get my goals in order, I've been on a few dates and there might even be a new guy in the picture. Not sure yet, but I know I am doing/feeling a lot better than a few weeks ago even though I do still hope for a reconciliation.


So I get on facebook today (I know all of you want to kill me right now for not deleting him...) and I go to his page (another thousand lashes) and his status is "Maybe we could meet again further down the river..." This is a quote from a song that holds special significance because it is by his favorite band Incubus, and it is actually one of my favorite songs by them. Here are the lyrics to the song:


I'm floating down a river

Oars freed from their holds long ago

Lying face up on the floor of my vessel

I marvel at the stars

And feel my heart overflow

Further down the river

Further down the river

Further down the river

Further down the river

Two weeks without my lover

I'm in this boat alone

Floating down a river named emotion

Will I make it back to shore

Or drift into the unknown


Further down the river

Further down the river

Further down the river

Further down the river


I'm building an antenna

Transmissions will be sent when I am through

Maybe we could meet again further down the river

And share what we both discovered...

Then revel in the view


Further down the river

Further down the river

Further down the river

Further down the river


I'm floating down a river

I'm floating down a river

I'm floating down a river

I'm floating down a river


The ex and I frequently communicated to each other through music and it was always a way for us to tell the other how we were feeling even when we were apart.


I know, I know this is all speculation. But it's a nice thought none the less. I'm not going to respond. It's going to take more than a twitter "tweet" to get my attention.

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Have you thought that he may have put it on FB as a message to someone else?


He may have moved on also - if you want to give this new guy a chance, don't look up your Ex for a while!


Yes. The thought did cross my mind.


But thanks for making it cross again. Ouch.

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yes, this is a real possibility. One of my ex-ex sent me CDs with all kinds of messages in them and no, I'm not schizophrenic. I also posted cryptic song lyrics on FB several times during the weeks before my break-up because I was so hurt by my ex's behavior (e.g., "I used to be disgusted, but now I try to be amused"---that kind of thing). It wasn't calculated to get a reaction out of my ex exactly. It reflected how I was really feeling at the time and I wanted my friends to know. I figured if he saw it, though, fine. People do this, especially if they're into music. And I seriously, seriously doubt he'd have a reason to post such a thing in reference to anybody else in only 2 months. That one was for you, L.

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Communicating with an ex by song lyrics is very lame. It amounts to mind games because it could be interpreted any which way..usually the person who does this is hoping the target interprets it as a "hopeful" sign thus giving the player an ego boost if the target contacts him/her. Someone who truly feels bad and wants to reconcile will contact the person directly and will not do it via song lyrics or any other vague way.

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Communicating with an ex by song lyrics is very lame. It amounts to mind games because it could be interpreted any which way..usually the person who does this is hoping the target interprets it as a "hopeful" sign thus giving the player an ego boost if the target contacts him/her. Someone who truly feels bad and wants to reconcile will contact the person directly and will not do it via song lyrics or any other vague way.


I smiled when I read this, lol. I mean, I completely and totally agree. I'm not going to respond to any of it. I guess I just got a little boost from it... make believing that he was thinking of me... even if it wasn't about reconciliation.


Vague. That is a good way to describe my ex. Ambiguous.


I know better than to contact him over a "tweet." If he wanted to get back together it would have to be something bigger than that. Or at least a different song, lol.

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