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Is there a way to prevent a pimple from scarring?


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Ever since I was a teenager at the age of 13. I struggled with acne. As I entered my 20's, the breakouts have stopped tremendously and I may get a pimple every now and then. My only gripe about it is that these pimples leave behind these terrible scars that takes months to fade away on it's own.I don't mind the pimples, I just wish it wouldn't scar my face so much. I just have a lot of spots on my face and I want to get rid of them in the quickest way possible. I don't think I need to go to a dermatologist because my skin isn't as bad like I was in my teen. But are there ways to prevent my skin from bruising??

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When you say bruising-- are the scars from you picking at/popping the pimples?


Try using steam to open your pores.

If you have a spot, sometimes a combination of pimple cream/antibiotic cream (as you would use on a scrape) helps the healing.

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When you say bruising-- are the scars from you picking at/popping the pimples?


Try using steam to open your pores.

If you have a spot, sometimes a combination of pimple cream/antibiotic cream (as you would use on a scrape) helps the healing.


Sometimes I pick them and sometimes I don't. Either way it leaves a mark, I just want to know if it's possible to get a pimple to not scar at all when it goes away?

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One of the best things to do is to avoid touching/picking the pimples when you have them, and be as gentle as possible with your skin. Though, even if you avoid picking, it can still leave a mark behind (it can depend on how inflamed the pimple was). It sounds like you have some hyperpigmentation left over from your past pimples (which is pretty common to experience); it's true that it can sometimes take a bit of time for it to fade away. I have a few spots as well, but I've never really tried any specific products to help those spots fade. I usually exfoliate with something gentle maybe twice a week..i think it helps the process a little bit?. I found this link link removed

I'm not really sure if anything can be done to avoid those marks from appearing in the first place, though (aside from avoiding picking/touching). It may be a good idea to ask a dermatologist just in case.

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