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Ex breaks NC and sends me this text...

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We broke up 8/15/09. We were together 3.5 years. I'm 32 and she is 28. She met someone else, starting spending all kinds of time with him (over a one week period and telling me she was home sick with the flu), and I found out about it just before she was going to dump me for him. But I dumped her first.


Until now, last text from her was that she will always love me, maybe one day we will meet again, I will find the perfect girl out there for me, etc.


Then no contact for about 10 days.


Friday I get this text from her: "Please don't reply to this text. I just wanted to let you know I miss you and that I am hurting."


I didn't reply.


Why would she send something like that?

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... because the new guy, who was just a fantasy before she started sleeping with him, turned into a non-fantasy real person, with real problems, real hangups, and real issues. And suddenly, not only is she no better off then she was when she was with you, but she now also has to live with losing the person that's been closest to her for the last 3.5 years.


Stay NC.

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Ditto what Jettison said.


She misses you because new guy wasn't so special after all. If he was, you never woulda gotten that text.


Stay strong and NC!


"This too shall pass..." (and "there are plenty of other fish in the sea..")

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People make genuine mistakes....maybe she regrets it and has made a mistake, is that so bad? I dont know enough about your situation to make any proper judgements though.....


While that's certainly true, this text message is not an admission of fault. It's not apologizing to him and asking him back. It's offloading her feelings while saying "don't contact me."

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While that's certainly true, this text message is not an admission of fault. It's not apologizing to him and asking him back. It's offloading her feelings while saying "don't contact me."


Hmm, i know what you mean but i dont buy the whole "dont contact me back" thing, not right but ive actually done that myself before and if im honest i wanted to get a rise.....

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Agree with the others, but just to play devil's advocate, I've played her tactic before. It wasn't to deprive the other of a right of reply, it was to protect myself from the "no-reply" I was likely to get. I could convince myself they didn't reply not because they just didn't care anymore, but because I asked them to, and same time offload how I felt.


It doesn't change the picture though. She did what she did and you are right to remain NC.

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Seriously brother, if you break your NC you're doomed.


You may feel victorious at the moment. I suggest you delete her hp number.


You should be proud that you're actually a special person, she does not deserve it, someone else special do.


Don't think any of it, move on. Stay NC! and I mean it~

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To be honest, I'm not opposed to a reconciliation but it would have to be quite some time from now and after she made some changes and had some positive growth. NC is the solution either way, right?


Kino, I don't plan on replying but curious as to why you said I'm doomed if I break NC.

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Yes NC is the only solution because your decision will be clouded by emotions. You need time and lots of it - to let the dust settle and for your head to clear. And NC also serves to let your ex know, if she really felt it was a mistake, how BIG of a mistake it was. You start talking to her about getting back together, only 10 days after finding out she cheated, and she's going to feel like you're a pushover and a doormat, and that she can do whatever she wants, and you'll still be there for her.

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As people said above, your decision will be clouded by emotion. Being silent and keep NC is the best solution.


If you break NC, it will take you back to where you been at the 1st place... and that's not good, I've been there once,and its like being in hell. I won't want another round didn't I?

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