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Maybe I need someone who isn't shy?


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I am extremely shy at times and get nervous or blush quite easily in certain situations.


I tend to find that I get along the best with those that are very talkative or bubbly. They can bring out the best of me and make me not be shy at all. So, to them, they wouldn't think that I'm so 'shy'.


The problem is that I don't ever think that I'm 'good enough' to approach these bubbly people.


Additionally, I am pathetic around those that are not so talkative or shy. However, I do feel comfortable initiating conversation around those that are shy and look approachable.

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The problem is that I don't ever think that I'm 'good enough' to approach these bubbly people.


Additionally, I am pathetic around those that are not so talkative or shy. However, I do feel comfortable initiating conversation around those that are shy and look approachable.



Therein lies your problem: change your way of thinking. It's the only way things will progress. If you allow yourself to sit in this woe-is-me frame of mind, belittling yourself. Tell me, what is so wrong with you that you're "not good enough" for anyone else? We're all human. We all live, breathe, laugh, smile, cry, hurt, love, make mistakes. You are no less a person than anyone else. Don't ever let yourself feel that way. I'm sure you're great.

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have you tried to work on your self esteem? When you are happy with yourself you won't care as much what other people think. Thats the first step loving and accepting yourself for who you are.

Maybe some CBT would be good to help change negative and warpy thinking.


Also by focusing on things other than your self, you won't feel self-conscious. Maybe try focusing on the conversation, or the other person, because I;m sure they are not judging you , most people have a gizzilion other things on their minds. It's a long process but you will get there!

Good Luck !

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I am extremely shy at times and get nervous or blush quite easily in certain situations.


I tend to find that I get along the best with those that are very talkative or bubbly. They can bring out the best of me and make me not be shy at all. So, to them, they wouldn't think that I'm so 'shy'.


The problem is that I don't ever think that I'm 'good enough' to approach these bubbly people.


Additionally, I am pathetic around those that are not so talkative or shy. However, I do feel comfortable initiating conversation around those that are shy and look approachable.


I realised recently that I'm a carbon copy of you. I tend to crawl out of my shell with people who can voice out their thoughts.

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I know what you mean, shy2cool. My brain goes into freeze mode whenever I'm around someone who's extremely outgoing. I always let them lead the conversation, and just listen, because I feel like I can't be as interesting as them.


At the same time, I can carry on conversations with girls who are much more shy than me, but then there's the problem of them listening and me having to carry the conversation. I never feel like an equal in any conversation; it's either me being shy, or the other person being shy.

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