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What is God to me/ what is he not?


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Hello everyone, and thank you for taking your time to read this. I am a Marijuana Addict, lost control of my life and the unmanageability put me in a state of low self worth; I decided to take action to change my misfortune destiny. I do not want to continued down a road that only brings an ugly state of mind and emptiness into my life. I joined Marijuana Anonymous, a twelve step program, the same concept that alcoholic Anonymous follow to gain control of my life for a better destisny. I obtained a sponsor, someone who is a recovered addict who is helping me go through the steps. I am in step number two which states "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity." My sponsor asked me to answer the following question, "What is God to me, what is he not?" After reflecting on everything I learned, read, listened too; God to me is joy, happiness, love, companionship, friendship, to be of service to others, productivity, reflection, meditation, knowledge, serenity and to maintain my health to the best of my ability. God is not Marijuana, money, status, sex, gambling, mind altering substances, greed, hate, dishonesty, manipulation, items, and un-productivity. Now my question is, What is God to anyone willing to answer, and what is he not? By God I mean a higher power, no specific religion.

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Remember, your higher power is whatever you're currently obsessing about, so if you catch yourself obsessing about a person, place, or thing, that is currently your higher power. And that is a red flag. I have heard it said many time in program, "There are two things to know about a Higher Power. One, there is one. Two, you are not it." lol


My higher power is Good Orderly Direction. Another question you may wish to consider in your writing, is what can God do for you? How can God help you with your addiction? Will God just remove it or will God direct you?


Good luck!

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Remember, your higher power is whatever you're currently obsessing about, so if you catch yourself obsessing about a person, place, or thing, that is currently your higher power. And that is a red flag. I have heard it said many time in program, "There are two things to know about a Higher Power. One, there is one. Two, you are not it." lol


My higher power is Good Orderly Direction. Another question you may wish to consider in your writing, is what can God do for you? How can God help you with your addiction? Will God just remove it or will God direct you?


Good luck!


what do you mean by "ggod orderly direction"

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Interesting post.


First, let me say I support you in what you're doing. Marijuana, as we all know, does not cause physical addiction, and, when used judiciously, can be a wonderful substance. However, in some cases, the user's enjoyment of life is hindered by excessive usage. In this case, he should stop smoking marijuana.


Let me just say - Whatever religious persuasion you subscribe to, religious activities, such as prayers, vows, dedications, and rituals, can be helpful. There are very good reasons why people engage in religious activities. And yes, I definitely believe in a higher power.


So best of luck on this.

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I recommend books by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. I started with "You will see it when you believe it" and now I'm reading "Your Sacred Self".


I personally dislike weed because it makes me depressed, negative, and paranoid, about 45 minutes after smoking it, so I haven't smoked pot for about 10 years or more. But, that's just me. I do drink alcohol sometimes, and I know that alcohol really isn't any better than pot, and in fact alcohol causes more detriment to society than marijuana.


Don't beat yourself up. Just get sober and see whether just being clean and sober makes you feel better. I'm betting it will. : )

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I'm also a member of a 12 step program (Al-Anon) and I've decided that my higher power, which is whatever I want it to be, is love.


No one can tell you what it should be or what to believe. It's about establishing a personal relationship with the power of your understanding and using that power to turn to at times of good and bad in your life.

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i smoked marijuana for many years....and it ends up making you negative, and totally without ambition.....been 5 years not smoking regularly....feels so much lighter in my head...still smoke the occasional one but never, ever have my own stuff...better this way


i am a firm believer in god, or the universe, or the higher power...and the more time goes by and the more i realise that the more i trust in him the more ok i am, the stronger my beliefs...


what is god for me?...a tool to true happiness.....TRUE happiness ;-)

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