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And the beat goes on...........

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So here I sit 2 1/2 years out of a 2 year relationship with someone who had severe emotional issues and was abusive. She ran out of my house one night in the middle of sex in panic mode over some perceived slight and ended the relationship. She had run out about a half dozen times in the last 6 months is panic mode over minor things and ended it only to return a day or two later. Now she had been diagnosed Panic/Anxiety before I met her and wouldnt take her meds. Later on in therapy the psychologist thought she showed possible traits of BPD or Bi-Polar. So fast forward to about a year ago and she started trying to make lame contact. I never responded and kept up no contact. I seem to get hang ups at home that go in cycles and then stop for about 3 months. They stopped around February of this year after my parents bumped into her at a mall and she attempted to say hi and they ignored her and kept walking. Well they started again last week and today at work I get an email from her. No subject line and no body copy...just her addressed to me with her company footer and her title. This happened last Christmas when she sent me an apparent wrong email and then followed it up with an oooops, sorry wrong email address. What the hell is she still doing with my email addy 2 1/2 years later.


Now I was pretty beat up by her and took a long time to heal. I told her all of this in an email and what she did to me and my son. How she hurt us. What I think her issues are and that I hope she gets help. They were nasty emails that went back and forth 2 years ago. Nasty but truthful. Why in gods name would she be trying to contact me after all of this time. After all that was said. She told me when it was over that her love for me was different and that she new in her heart it was over. 2 weeks prior to this she wrote a valentines day poem for me saying basically she would die without me.



I dont get this but its like picking at a scab. I have made great strides in moving on. I would have married this girl and died in her arms. Still love her very much but I know emotionally she is very messed up. Has childhood ghosts that she needs to deal with. But this is like 2 steps back. Why the hell doesnt she just pick up a phone and say what she wants to say?

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You poor thing having to go through this stay away from her, she needs to sort out her issues, she can only do that herself until then you can do nothing, move on and be happy with your son you will meet someone stable and someone you love just as much, obviously it's so much easier said than done but neither you nor your son need this emotional turmoil/instability in my opinion. take care

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I am moving on and have healed. I just dont get the reasoning behind it all. Anytime a relationship has ended between myself and someone. Thats it, it has ended. Short of accidentally bumping into them somewhere there has never been any contact. Isnt that what endings are all about. This one just makes no sense.

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