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feels pretty crap.

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Just to clearify the picture for you. I am a 21 year older college student from south carolina. My girlfriend of the age 19, havent talked for about 2 months now( longest breakup ever, we had a break up for a month and a half with her eventually calling in the end, 2 years ago). Recently me and her were both overseas on separate trips. We got into an argument over somethings. So I decided to be the icebreaker and call her first a week after we got into the fight. My guess is, she thought i was coming back to apologize which i was even though i didnt feel i was wrong, but before i had the time to say the first word. She opens her phone and starts yelling, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" WHAT DO YOU WANT?, YOU WANT TO HURT ME AGAIN?, then she closes the phone, so i call her back over and over again, normally she calls when we have fights of that nature. If it is a simple fight i tend to call her, to show her i actually care. So anyways, i called her back over and over to get a busy line, eventually she answers 10 mints later. At this point i was pissed off she closed the phone, so i told her LISTEN! IF YOU WANNA * * * * ING BREAKUP YOU MAKE THE CALL, YOU WANT IT OVER?, she says no and shuts the phone in my face. But i have a feeling that she is being fed by someone else(maybe her older sister or mother). She spent a month in another country as i spent around 3 months in a separate country. She insisted that i call her everyday, she would get jealous if i didnt call her for several days. Towards the end of my vacation i can honestly say i started getting a bit jealous. I thought she was kind of putting me aside on purpose just to get on my nerves. And i feel like their is someone telling her what to say to me, or how to deal with me. My point is her resistance to call me back, Im guessing she thought i was trying to put her aside while i was on vacation. So i am guessing the people around her told her to put me aside. Its been too long, and i truly miss her. I wish she just knew how much i love her. So she arrives the U.S about 25 days earlier than me. So 2 months of NC. I personally believe i done my first part by calling her back before the 2 months, so that takes all the blame off my chest. Because she used to accuse me of not loving her for not calling her when we get into arguments. But before she used to leave me signs on her myspace and stuff that she still thinks of me, you know highschool stuff lol. But now, she doesnt even open her old myspace which we never use btw. ITs just their lol. She prolly forgot her password to it or something. But honestly i dont know what to do. I love her to death. But is she holding out for me to call her back?, is this a plan from her or her sister to make me appreciate her more or something? what is it, can someone help me?, if shes looking for harsh punishment, someone is giving her the right advice.


On the other hand is it really over?, if it is, knowing my girlfriend best, its a shock. Sometimes i go real far with thinking and say maybe possibly she found someone else. But i always get a reply from people close to me that im just thinking too hard and that shes going thru the samething im going thru. Anybody here has an idea?, what do you think? what do you think is happening and what do you think i should do? 2 months now.

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