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Afraid of what happens after the shock

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I can't take this anymore, I can't stop thinking about her, everything about is perfect our only issue is this imbalance. I can't do this NC mind game thing anymore I am just going to tell her how I feel and ask her if we can make the changes we both need and if she can forgive me for what happened so we can try again...


This is my last chance, I don't want to live without her, she is my soulmate...

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Be strong - if she is gone, she's already gone. Her mind is over you.


Trust me, I'm sitting here in the same sort of misery feeling for this woman I loved so much, even thoguh I know how toxic she was to me. I keep remembering so much goodness.


But I must remember the bad and all those painful nights she dealt upon me, which I always hoped she'd make up for later someday. But someday never comes.


Thinak baout it; how many times has she tried to contact you? She's through.


You're gonna be fine, jsut be storngz!

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She has a couple of times in the last few days, I can't leave it to time for her to start considering my issues because she's still so hurt and angry about how I behaved in the end.


I really have only one shot, I have no idea how it will go I just hope to god it works

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