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Small chest...


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well lets see... you are wondering if guys really care you dont have breasts because... its never ever been an issue for you and they have never brought it up.


question and answer all in one post.


this must be a 'extra validation' thread.


Yeah, but the point is that Hollywood and popular culture make it seem like guys DO care. A lot, in fact. I (as well as a lot of other women with small breasts) have always been scared of rejection because of our chest size precisely because of what pop culture portrays as attractive in females. If guys actually don't care at all for the most part, then that could have a huge impact on how women with small chests view their own self-image and attractiveness.

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I don;t think there is any thing wrong or to be upset with having larger breasts.. i.e. cup size C and above, but it DOES seem that so many clothing manufacturer;s.. Abercrombie & fitch being one of them, that makes clothes MOSTLY for those with hardly any breasts at all.


has anyone tried to find shirt that fit in A&F if you are a woman?? the area for the breasts to fit in, in material dimensions is like 2 inches at BEST.. come one now.. I need MORE than that to fit my breasts into these clothes.. I am not 12 years old anymore!! LOL

Well, I can hardly believe that MOST guy prefer smaller breasts.. I think everyone has their own belief system, but I do think it is nice to have something up top.. Glad God gave me enuf in that dept.. but thankful also mine are not HUGE.. I do not think it wud comfortable to have like DDD size bra or something like that! That must be a burden...

And yeah. running when you are size C cup and above is stressful... I think they need to make BETTER sports bras.. cuz I have yet to find one that is comfortable to run in...

I think you look great in a halter top or tube top though when you have decent size breasts...

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Weird. I don't know any guys personally that prefer small boobs. I guess ENA guys are definitely not typical.... I'm turned on by bigger boobs. Full 34C's are ideal in my book. Like all physical attributes though, they tend to not matter the more otherwise amazing a person is.


I will say though that I think fake boobs are just bad, period. I don't know how far boob technology has come, but from my limited exposure to them when I was younger, I think they look and feel terrible. Just my 2 on that.

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