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Small chest...


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Do guys actually care?


I'm in my 20s, but I have, like, almost no breasts. I'm barely an AA cup. Thing is, NO guy has EVER mentioned this to me. Every single time the bra comes off, I expect the guy to recoil in horror. But it doesn't seem to make a difference at all. They still tell me that I'm gorgeous, hot, cute, whatever.


I don't know, it's just not what I expected, especially since Hollywood and popular culture portrays breast size as a hugely important factor in attraction.

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Sure, big breasts attract attention, but I actually prefer smaller breasted women. I've had relationships with women with both, and to be honest, it doesn't make that much of a difference, I just like the slender look over the fuller figure.


And to be honest, a guy cares less about what you have under your shirt and more about the fact that you are taking it off.

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Breasts are icing on the cake. If anybody puts them before you as a whole they're a sad little minority. Sad, indeed.


It depends on a few things, namely what type of guy you're dealing with (ahem, *maturity*, ahem...) and what goal you and he are shooting for (relationship/emotional bond vs. eroto-psychological fling vs. trophy hit etc. etc.)


As a general rule, though, don't let yourself think that it matters to anybody on the level you're putting it on. We all notice the second we meet the opposite sex [clothed] what their general profile is, and we file it away in our man-brains where it will likely stay untouched forevermore. If we decide to pursue or defer from your lovely graces beyond that moment, there are many things guiding that decision, but for the greatest lot of males as a whole, small breasts will not be to any comparable degree a deciding factor. If there's nothing pulling the dude toward you, it's nothing knockers could salvage. Conversely, if they're following you home and panting, it's not your chest they're after, even if they've somehow come under the assumption that you're hiding a heavier chest than what's visible. Just think of them as icing on the cake, and then remember that even without them there's a heck of a lot of ways to ice a cake, and many of them that will overshadow breasts day for night.

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Hmm... somehow I suspect you guys are only being nice in saying it doesn't matter. I mean, I get the sense the OP is not just talking about small cute little breasts here. She's talking about a barely AA cup, almost no breasts.


I might find it believable if guys tell me they prefer smaller or small (but still full) breasts because personally, if I had the choice, I would also choose to be born with small breasts. I just think small breasts are more aesthetically pleasing.


But we're talking here about breasts that barely fit an AA cup, breasts that disappear when the woman lies down flat on her back so that she looks more like a 12 year-old boy. That's what I have, and I'm very self-conscious of my chest. Although I look great with clothes on (with the help of a bit of padding in my bra), I'm terrified of getting naked in front of a guy. The only guy I ever slept with didn't mind that I was so flat -- but that was only because he wasn't much into breasts. (He was much more enthusiastic about butts.

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I'm a C now, but that's because I'm on the pill.


Before the pill I was an A-34.


My boyfriend loves them, but before I was VERY self consious about my boobs. I'd wear tons of padding in my bra, and I would make up some awful story so men would be to ashamed to take off my bra and they wouldn't think I was weird for me not wanting to.


But my ex, the first guy I slept with it took about a month for me to show him and when I did he was like, "That's it? I thought you were just horribly disfigured, that's nothing!"


He said it was nothing to hide and he got so upset that I thought I was so ashamed of myself for what the hollywood ideal was put on me.


He said that he went out with a girl for 2 yrs that had one A sized boob, and one D sized and it didn't bother me.


After him, I had some hope so when I met my boyfriend I had no trouble with showing him my boobs. He had never seen them before so I didn't feel weird.


Although they have gotten, alot bigger he is still WAY more of a butt man. And he always will be.


Honestly, it doesn't matter what sized boobs you have, if a guy loves you for who you are, it won't even matter.

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I have several male friends that prefer smaller boobs. the old saying of more then a mouthful is too much applies to them. not all men like huge breasts

And by the time the bra comes off, I would bet they really dont care what size your boobs are...your half naked!!!

The bigger question is, does it bother YOU?!

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Yeah, I may not have the biggest boobs, but with my 24" inch waist and 36" inch hips, they look ALOOT bigger than they are.


If your skinny, it wont even matter that you have smaller boobs because it will look better by poportion.


I have a slender/muscler build.


However, even when I was just an A, I've ALWAYS had a really nice butt.


If your lacking in one dept, you can make it in an other, or other(s)

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Yeah it really doesn't bother most men.


Most of them men I've dated have all perfered smaller breasts.


It did bother me, VERY much so before though. I would go into crying fits all the time because I felt so pitiful.


When I was younger, I'd even resort to stuffing my swim suit/bra.


I always wanted breast surgery, just to go to an upper C, nothing huge or crazy. But my boyfriend told me, "Why would you want to change your body when it's not a big deal to you personally and your boyfriend loves you just the way you are?"


That was a big reality check for me, and I realized I don't need surgery if I'm happy with myself and the man of my dreams loves my body. ALL of it.

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jsut for the record...maybe get some "chick fillets" and wear them around for a month or so...just to get the feel of bigger boobs

I say this b/c as a woman with pretty big boobs, they are not all they are cracked up to be.

I can never go braless,

running is a pain..literally.

Button down blouses rarely fit correctly!

bras with good support are expensive!!

I could go on....anyway. be happy with what you have (or dont have) and be sexy in it!!!!

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Random question, are you extremely thin? That makes your chest a heck of a lot smaller...


Yep. I'm skinny.


Hmm... somehow I suspect you guys are only being nice in saying it doesn't matter. I mean, I get the sense the OP is not just talking about small cute little breasts here. She's talking about a barely AA cup, almost no breasts.


I might find it believable if guys tell me they prefer smaller or small (but still full) breasts because personally, if I had the choice, I would also choose to be born with small breasts. I just think small breasts are more aesthetically pleasing.


But we're talking here about breasts that barely fit an AA cup, breasts that disappear when the woman lies down flat on her back so that she looks more like a 12 year-old boy. That's what I have, and I'm very self-conscious of my chest. Although I look great with clothes on (with the help of a bit of padding in my bra), I'm terrified of getting naked in front of a guy. The only guy I ever slept with didn't mind that I was so flat -- but that was only because he wasn't much into breasts.

See, that's what I've always thought. Though it's more like a 14-yr old girl who has just started developing breasts. I've slept with a number of guys, and none of them have said anything even though I'm always secretly terrified that they will. I do feel better about it now though, seems like lack of breasts isn't a turnoff if there are other things to make up for it.


Honestly, it doesn't matter what sized boobs you have, if a guy loves you for who you are, it won't even matter.

Well, I have had hookups without, you know, love first... it still doesn't seem to matter. I'm not sure if I just manage to find non-shallow guys, or if it's just totally a misconception. I think a lot of women with small chests are scared of taking their bra off... maybe there's no reason to be? I don't know. I'm totally fine with my body (though like you, I used to REALLY hate not having boobs), it's just really surprising to me that consistently no guy has actually cared that I didn't have larger breasts.

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Answering your question in a totally different way: If a guy ever complains, he's a dope and you'll live through it! lol.


I'm not small chested, have sometimes envied women such as yourself, and have heard many a comment around me about male preferences as far as women's bodies go. Constant contradictions. And you know what, if you listen to any of it, you'll go nuts. Equally loud proportions saying they love big breasts, small breasts, breasts shaped this way, breasts shaped that way, don't care about breasts much, like legs, want a perfect little toe, whatever. lol.


Men just like women's bodies. A lot. Worry not. !


To lighten it even further; on one of the worst dates of my life ( a first date) the guy actually said "wow, your boobs really are too huge". I'm not kidding!


If they complain or comment negatively about your body, well it's a dope. lol. you get where i am going with this.

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He said that he went out with a girl for 2 yrs that had one A sized boob, and one D sized and it didn't bother me.


I need some clarification here. You mean, she had ONE BOOB that was an A, and another one, that was a D? Like on the same girl? Her boobs were that completley different in size?

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I honestly would rather have an A then a C. I have to buy larger shirts and my bra size is usually hard to find in stock… Larger shirts make me look like I have more weight on me then I do. But the correct size looks stretched and feels uncomfortable to wear. Be happy, you get to wear outfits that I can never dream of wearing comfortably.


Who cares what a guy thinks about your body. It’s your body. If your happy with your body and feel comfortable with yourself, then your fine. No one has complained. And even if they break up with you over having no breast, well good, you don’t need someone in your life wanting you for your body… not who you are.

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I like all kinds of women, all shapes and most sizes (not really the xxxl ones lolz). There's more than one perfect body shape out there, there's tons of em! I can't say I prefer one thing or another, I really like all the different ways a woman can be put together and they are all beautiful ^_^

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