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K so I've been stressing a lot lately about my life, and what I want to do. I went to a community college for 1 year then took the past year off, because I really didn't know what I wanted to major in. I've changed my mind so many times. I'm currently registered to begin classes again NEXT WEEK. Problem is I still really don't know what I want to do. I feel like the people around me who are my age, or even younger are all on the right track. They all seem to know exactly what they want to do in life. I have a few Ideas, but I always end up questioning them. Why am I so confused?! I just want to get on the right track, and start working to move forward in life. Does anyone else ever feel the same?

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I feel the same but I still go to school and get the general crap out of the way and when it comes to the point to make a decisioun I hope my head is more clear, it never hurts to maybe just major in business, its easy and you can get a decent well paying job out of school.


My Major is criminal Justice but when it comes time to start takeing my major classes I have no clue if I am going to stick to it.

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General classes are a good way to go. That way, you can try many different things to see if you are interested in them and they can be used as prerequisites when you do end up deciding what to do. You could also just take a year off and work or travel and research different careers that you might be interested in.

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