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Well well well... what a surprise!


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Remember the girl I was dating (ish) who was really interested and throwing herself at me one minute and then changed her mind the next? You may recall she threw a load of cliches saying she wasn't looking for anything with anyone at the moment, was "in a bad place", it wasn't me and all that jazz. Then she practically BEGGED me to remain friends with her.


Well, today, she's now in a relationship and according to her Facebook has been for three weeks. Meaning, she jumped to someone else as I suspected.


Why the hell do people blatantly lie like that and why the hell do I attract girls such as this?! Again, not the first time that has happened.


I guess it says more about her than it does me, three weeks and becoming exclusive with someone. Her actions are a bit immature I guess. I'm not really upset about her, just pissed off that I waste time with girls like this. They are giving the good ones a bad name. But I won't sing Bon Jovi at you.


Part of me wants to contact her and make her feel bad. But I won't. I know she won't care. I'd love to put her in place. I really don't get how people can act that way and not feel any guilt. The world is full of selfish people I guess.


I don't really need advice as such, I just felt the need to let some of you know.


See... it's things like this that make me trust nobody and it's why I am out of this dating game.

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The irony is that part of the reason she may have been uninterested in your is that she felt that you were a person who would "love to put her in her place" if the time should come for such a thing. People sense when you feel beneath them on some level, and they will almost always act by basically agreeing with you in their own little way.

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The irony is that part of the reason she may have been uninterested in your is that she felt that you were a person who would "love to put her in her place" if the time should come for such a thing. People sense when you feel beneath them on some level, and they will almost always act by basically agreeing with you in their own little way.


i think he means put her in her place now that he feels used.

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lol, i just read this on that other post and was lol, anyways...


in this case, it sounds like you wanted more and she tried letting you down easy. so she moved on, what is the deal? aren't you?


It wasn't that I wanted more, I mean, maybe it could've gone somewhere, who knows? But she lead me on, she chased me and on reflection fed me nothing but a bunch of lies. I'd never play with someone's feelings like that.


It's not a very nice feeling to have someone suddenly decide they want to be with someone else. Worse is when they lie about it to make themselves feel better.


But, I said a few weeks ago that I knew the real reason and once again, it turns out I was right. As I once said, if in doubt, trust your instinct. It is usually one step ahead of you.

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It wasn't that I wanted more, I mean, maybe it could've gone somewhere, who knows? But she lead me on, she chased me and on reflection fed me nothing but a bunch of lies. I'd never play with someone's feelings like that.


It's not a very nice feeling to have someone suddenly decide they want to be with someone else. Worse is when they lie about it to make themselves feel better.


But, I said a few weeks ago that I knew the real reason and once again, it turns out I was right. As I once said, if in doubt, trust your instinct. It is usually one step ahead of you.


sorry, but you wanted more if you feel this way.


if not, should be a piece of cake to ignore this girl and her current status and have moved on already.

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That is what I meant but the fact is, you can only upset people if they care. She clearly doesn't.


and here it is again, you want to get back at her for something you say you didn't care about. i could care less that you cared, but she moved on and you should too. you have to understand people flake for millions of reasons.

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sorry, but you wanted more if you feel this way.


If by wanting more you mean, going out again then yes. Why wouldn't I? It was reasonably early days. We got on (or so she made me believe) and I obviously wanted to carry on seeing her. But I was taking it as it came.


If by wanting more you mean, becoming exclusive, etc then no, I wasn't wanting more. That might have come in time yes, but it wasn't like I ever sat down and said "where is this going?".


Better off anyway I reckon, she seems a bit too quick to make (and change) her mind for my liking.

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and here it is again, you want to get back at her for something you say you didn't care about. i could care less that you cared, but she moved on and you should too. you have to understand people flake for millions of reasons.


Yeah that's fair enough.


I'm just pissed off / upset that I always get led on and eventually tossed to one side without a care in the world for someone else and then lied to about it. Fourth time this year.


Not really just about her, more just the fact that it's happening again and again. I seem to attract these idiots and they seem to get the better end of the deal everytime while I'm left to sit and work out what the hell I'm doing wrong.

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If by wanting more you mean, going out again then yes. Why wouldn't I? It was reasonably early days. We got on (or so she made me believe) and I obviously wanted to carry on seeing her. But I was taking it as it came.


If by wanting more you mean, becoming exclusive, etc then no, I wasn't wanting more. That might have come in time yes, but it wasn't like I ever sat down and said "where is this going?".


Better off anyway I reckon, she seems a bit too quick to make (and change) her mind for my liking.


so, this was pretty new and fresh and more like a getting to know you type situation than it being close to a ltr? if so, you should be able to polish any feeling for her easily and move on. i don't see how you are so damaged by this girl. i think you invested waaaay too much too early. trust me, i've done it, but i can move on easily and not be bitter. you have to realize there are billions of people (mostly women) on this planet and one's terrible questionable behavior shouldn't stop you. you will see it more than this one girl unfortunately.


and ladies, don't take this as me saying guys don't do it too.

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Yeah that's fair enough.


I'm just pissed off / upset that I always get led on and eventually tossed to one side without a care in the world for someone else and then lied to about it. Fourth time this year.


Not really just about her, more just the fact that it's happening again and again. I seem to attract these idiots and they seem to get the better end of the deal everytime while I'm left to sit and work out what the hell I'm doing wrong.


just a thought then, maybe you aren't paying attention to what girls are displaying. sometimes they seem like they want to continue, but a sign like 'we should stay friends' shouldn't be giving you hope. that's a sign to me that says, yeah, don't call. i have no reason to befriend a girl i wanted more with. didn't need her before, don't need her now.

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It's just because I've just found out that I'm posting on here now. I've not spoken to her for two weeks and these things tend to look worse written down. She will be forgotten about soon enough I am sure and good riddance.


Yes, it was new and fresh but when somebody is throwing themselves at you, telling you they're interested in you, being very forward, talking about long term plans and inviting you round their house, you can't help but get caught up in it a bit. More fool me I guess.

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i've had new girls act like that and just bail too. i've done it to girls too. i never really made promises, but i was really into them at first and just realized they weren't enough for me.


Still pretty harsh for someone to get with someone else, cancel plans with you and then lie about the reasons in my opinion. But maybe that's just me and I'm too sensitive and maybe that's the * * * * ing problem!

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Still pretty harsh for someone to get with someone else, cancel plans with you and then lie about the reasons in my opinion. But maybe that's just me and I'm too sensitive and maybe that's the * * * * ing problem!


honestly, yeah, i think you need to toughen up your skin, especially in such an early stage.


i've had a gf just break up with me for no reason like 2 years into it. said she wanted to be single. wha? why? that was tough, but i did it. we did get back together and i broke up with her 2.5 years later. realized we weren't going to work out.


just be glad you didn't end up with this wishy washy girl for longer.

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