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He's planning to visit, but spending too much money


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probably not.

I am not saying it's fair.

Its just the way it is.

It is only the way it is because people are choosing not to change it - and usually the people who least want to change it are those who benefit the most by the status quo.
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If you are a student without a job and he has a career, he should be the one paying for his trip without exception.


It is a bad sign when you have to pay for half the expenses when he has the job. It means that the boyfriend is irresponsible with money and expects you to be able to make the sacrifices for the relationship.

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Well this is off topic, but I would give the same advice if she told he offered to pay for the half of her trip.

Not a right way to do things.

Would people in general have a problem with him paying for her trip? Not really.

Do I agree with that - not really, but just because being a girl and allowing that makes you feel obligated to have sex. (oh I can't wait for people to react on this one)


But anyway. I am talking about this particular situation.

I don't think a guy should allow to a girl, who is he going to visit for the very first time after 3 years of online chatting, to pay for half of his trip.

They are not bf and gf who are like together in RL for years and are splitting the cost of holiday.

I think he should be a man enough to pay for his trip to her place. Later they can split the hotel bill or other expenses etc if they are staying together.

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I disagree that it has anything to do with him being a man. It's simply two people who have a mutual interest in one another who are planning to meet and sharing the cost. It's no different than if they met halfway and paid their own expenses to get there.

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I think the main issue is that you have never met him. He is essentially a stranger. I would not send money to a stranger. You have no way of knowing what he is doing. He could have other girlfriends that he is asking for money. Anything could be going on. I would offer to reimburse him. Then again, I would probably not meet a man under these circumstances that I have never met before or dated in person. Does not sound safe at all.

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