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Do I have to walk on egg shells?


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Hey there I'm a 30 year old guy dating a 20 year old girl. We've known each other over a year and have been in a relationship for over six months. I dunno is it normal to have to walk on eggshells with everything you say. I mean I'm usually a clown.


Today we meet her friend at college and her friend asked " Do I look * * * * ty today? Because she was getting a lot of rude stares?"


I said "no it's just your boobs." Actually when you first turned the corner that's all I saw."


Now I can see how a girl can get upset with something of the sort, but I'm use to joking around in such a way.


So after I walk my girl to class she let's me have it. Just wondering if I should just keep my trap shut from now on or is it just because she's younger that she gets upset at a comment like that.

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Well her friend DID ask! I'd prefer my bf didnt make a comment on my friends boobs though I would have just said 'Of course not' your reply could be funny or just rude depending on your girlfriends sense of humour. Maybe she was just jealous? Was a teeny bit over the line on what to say to gf's friends.


how do you mean walking on eggshells? As in she doesnt find your jokes funny?

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well i don't know Blue? Sometimes i feel I come accross maturity issues like confidence. I mean my girl is a bombshell and her friend doesn't even come close, but she does tend to get extremely jealous. I just feel a disaster will arise if straight up say "Hey stop acting your age!" lol.

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well i don't know Blue? Sometimes i feel I come accross maturity issues like confidence. I mean my girl is a bombshell and her friend doesn't even come close, but she does tend to get extremely jealous. I just feel a disaster will arise if straight up say "Hey stop acting your age!" lol.


You have to remember shes twenty, and Im nearly twenty and i have to say, Im not as mature as I could be. Its normal for twenty year old girls to be a little insecure...actually people of any age. I would be grumpy at my guy for commenting on my friends boobs.


Do you say a lot of innapropriate stuff like that? Or is that just this once?


Dont get me wrong, I dont think you've done anything really bad here, it depends on the context of the joke/response.


What stuff normally gets her angry?

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You have to remember shes twenty, and Im nearly twenty and i have to say, Im not as mature as I could be. Its normal for twenty year old girls to be a little insecure...actually people of any age. I would be grumpy at my guy for commenting on my friends boobs.


Do you say a lot of innapropriate stuff like that? Or is that just this once?


Dont get me wrong, I dont think you've done anything really bad here, it depends on the context of the joke/response.


What stuff normally gets her angry?


Well she mostly freeks out over ex girlfriends or anyone who's been near my penis in one way or another lol.

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Ah HA! Personality issue! That's it! I guess the hard part for her seems to be how we met. I'm a tattooer and she was a client. She also met me while i was with my ex and she KNOWS what kind of a dog I am capable of being, but that switch is off and laying dormant. I'm happy and don't need to turn it on. I'm just afraid that common sense on my level and on hers are 2 totally different things.

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Just got off the phone and she let me have it. The old, "what if I said I saw your friend coming because of his junk!" Bah! I told her I understand and that biting my tongue is a trait that I have to work on, she told me it should be common sense. Gah! bashes head on monitor!

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Making fun of people's bodies is not the way to win friends and influence people.


I wasn't making fun of anyone's body first of all, I would never do that. Her friend asked a question and I thick headedly answered. I will bite my tongue from now on. Honesty can really be a burden sometimes. I'm just so use to answering questions in a frank manner, that I guess the line blurs with my relationship sometimes...sigh.

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Well she mostly freeks out over ex girlfriends or anyone who's been near my penis in one way or another lol.


Lol! Are you her first relationship? Maybe if she hasn't had past relationships it's hard for her to understand that you've had people in your life before her, but they don't affect how you feel about her. Jealousy is a hard one to keep the reigns on, sometimes for me too. I don't like hearing about people in my guy's past because somehow it makes me feel like what he and I have isn't quite as special.

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I dunno, if the girl's boobs were really out there, I believe you were just stating the obvious. I'm sure the girl was well aware of how much cleavage she had showing.


I think people of any age can be insecure, but I guess it would be pretty common for a girl of 20 to be upset about it. I think this may be just one of the challenges you have to deal with to date a girl that young, you know?

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Hahaha! That's hilarious. If it's true, then perhaps it wasn't so much the truth your girl reacted to but the way you said it. Tact might go a long way.

"Perhaps. But such is life." might have been a better way to reply the question. :S lol!!!

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