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Meeting with the EX Boyfriend tonight....to talk about us


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I go away for a few days and all this happens!


It seems a lot of these guys are very confused on the forum. They miss the ex but don't want to get too confined too soon. I don't understand them.


If he's offering friendship and that is not what you want from him, I would suggest you not give him what he wants. After all, he is not giving you what you want, right? This is the only leverage you have with him really. It's up to you of course. I wish all these exs playing with our heads would just leave us alone.

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Yeah come to find out that he is interested in one female and dating others, not putting all his eggs in one basket as he says, so I said I can't be part of it. He said ok and he got into why we broke up and how much he really loved me and he said I love you bye.


* * * , I am done, its gonna be painful 2 months of push and pull, but I'm done, he still had the nerve to say he is taking a risk and doesn't know what the future holds for us, listen people when they are saying this to you nc right away its a playing field warning sign, if they want to see if the grass is greener let them!


Step back to avoid hurt!!! The only time to respond is when they are actually giving a green light but in most of the recent situations on this board....its really yellow.... proceed with caution when in lc and remember nc is for you and you only it will not bring back your ex!

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And the ex is interested in a petite blonde who left her rich ex husband for happiness and works hard to take care of her son....hmm nice spokesperson tale what's the truth.... I don't care....glad he lives and hour and half away!!!



I am a beautiful voluptious black haired olive skinned female.... his loss....

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Boy I wish I had an answer for what is going on in his head, but who knows? I can see both sides of NC and both sides of going LC. All this would be so much easier if we just could read their minds for a day. Even a few minutes might help!


Sorry he's messing around with your head Singler. Maybe a little space away from him will give you some peace.

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yeah I am on day 1, i am going to take a break from this site until i feel strong enough to post cause the realization of him and I being done is setting in and it feels like he just dumped me all over again. this time he is not putting all his eggs in one basket, i feel like he will end up with her because he sees so many unique things in her, how she left a rich husband for hapiness for her and her kid.


He said to me that this is a risk he has to take to see.....see what?

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Yeah well although my heart is broken I am going to heal it by working on myself, going out with friends, family, dates and concentrating on work and school. I am going to try a different approach to this break up thing, I don't deserve to be hurt by someone who wanted me so bad in the beginning and left me and started dating a few weeks after. WTH....


Sucks that my sis won't remove him from Facebook but whatever!


Lilly , keep doing NC, I know it is easier said then done but in the end you will be stronger, ignore his calls, messages and emails.....

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I think anything we can do to distract ourselves from focussing on the ex is good. I'm thinking about getting a lobotomy! hehe


Noooes! That'll make you call more but have less to say.


Yes, I think you can heal whilst having hope but not false hope. If that makes sense. Hope in that the future is unwritten and you just never know. Live your life and what happens, happens. False hope would have you pinning away. You'll never heal like that.


You can heal with hope. Of course out of that hope might come something completely different, and totally better! That's my hope. I live for that.

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well I went on my first date tonight since the break up, he is a good guy, good looking good job, seems like a commitment phobic and a bit introverted and over analyzing but it was good enough to looks forward to the second date, so we will see if I get the call from him.


I do have hope but what exactly is the difference between false hope and hope?

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