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ever had someone you were seeing suddenly ignore you and eventually contact you again?


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anyone ever had someone they at least gone on dates with quite a few times, say at least longer than 3 weeks just ignore them and then get back int ouch after certain amount of time?


did they tell you why they went MIA and how long was it before the recontacted you and how did they recontact you?

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Hmm 3 weeks is a long time - did he even bother to text / im / call you in between? Or just MIA with no reason? What's he saying now he's back in touch? I would suspect Misskitty is right and he found someone else, that didn't work out, so he came back...

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Sure... i've even had someone contact me years later.


It is usually a sign of a broad possibility of things, anything from they met someone else, or they have a drug/drinking problem, or they are socially awkward, or they don't know how to express feelings and run away, or they wanted to break up but were afraid of your anger and pain so just slipped off instead.


But you do need to know WHY they disappeared, and i'd think twice about taking them back unless they were very honest with you and apologized for the disappearance, and you have a strong confidence it won't happen again.

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Yup. I had some girl full of wonderful excuses until finally she went MIA on me. Its the same old story.


My experience of this was about 10 years ago now. I felt flattered at first but I got her to spill the beans. She'd met someone else and took a gamble on him instead of pursuing me. I closed her down straight away.


It's almost always because it didn't work out with someone else but I'd like to hear some of the excuses people used when they reappeared.


Who wants to be second best... hell, no way!

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Yup. I had some girl full of wonderful excuses until finally she went MIA on me. Its the same old story.


My experience of this was about 10 years ago now. I felt flattered at first but I got her to spill the beans. She'd met someone else and took a gamble on him instead of pursuing me. I closed her down straight away.


It's almost always because it didn't work out with someone else but I'd like to hear some of the excuses people used when they reappeared.


Who wants to be second best... hell, no way!


I couldn't agree more.

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Why is it that I am the type of person, if I really liked and cared and loved the person, if he came back, I'd be relieved and take him back?

Nothing wrong with that and it's probably what the guy is banking on. A lot of women would think that they were "second choice" and tell him to take a hike. I mean if the guy disappeared with no contact for all that time, I would imagine I couldn't have been all that important to him and then suddenly he's back b/c his first choice girl fell through? No, thank you.

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Happens to me all the time...lol


I actually have that situation right now, but we had no contact for six days....he apologized, said he blamed it partially on his "crazy" work schedule but basically admitted that that was still no excuse. Personally I don't think there is any excuse for not sending somebody at least a text message which takes 30 seconds at most.

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Yes to the OP, and...


It's almost always because it didn't work out with someone else but I'd like to hear some of the excuses people used when they reappeared.


This right here is exactly it. One of the excuses I heard was incredible to say the least, although she is going to school to become a politician. XD

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