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It happened the first time she broke up with me. SHe went on to date two other guys and it didn't work out with the first one but the second one basically tried to rape her. I took her back lol and now she is gone again with another dude but they have been seeing each other for a couple months now (alot longer than the other guys) so who knows if somnething will happen. Well, now that I think about it she did gain some weight and got poison ivy all over her body like 4 times.

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"What goes around comes around" is another thing from karma alltogether (for me) and I think it happens sometimes. I don't think it's a good idea to invest in the idea that someone who wronged you will suffer one day as a result. It's just not worth your time or energy. It's not something I'd count on or think about for a long time. If someone has been cruel to you, just be thankful they're not in your life anymore.

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Nonsense. It's a way for people who have been hurt by others to feel emotionally better by believing that this is true. There are people who do so much wrong in their lives yet end up having almost everything go their way and there are those who give, give and give and end up dying alone and often unhappy. Events are random.

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Karma in the sense of, I teased my dad about being bald and now I'm going bald, is true and it sucks. jk


As some kind of relationship payback system, not so much... I think it prevents people from taking ownership of their own faults and accountability in a failed relationship. When you are a ginuine person, you don't need someone else to hurt for you to feel better. I do however believe that the more people do positive things on a daily basis, the more positive things we expierence as individuals on a daily basis. Not because of any cosmic code of ethics, just that there are more opportunities to encounter a positive expierence. No?

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If it makes you move on and feel better, then karma it is, "what goes around comes around". In my mind I do generally believe it.


But like savignon said, if someone wronged you, the best thing to do with your life is put it behind you and live your life to the fullest. Remember, living well is the best revenge.

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