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Seeing the big picture?

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Why is it that it's so hard to see the big picture? For instance, I'm 19yrs old and recently the gf and I split... Why am I depressed, seeking counselling and just all round miserable? Why have I let my life become such a wreck? Whilst I can sit here and list everything I have to look forward to and everything that's so exciting as I'm so young... Why do those thoughts go away after even just a few minutes?


I guess these are just random thoughts, but why do we let ourselves fall so hard? Just thinking about it frustrates me that at only 19, I'm feeling things like this. I can be whatever I want to be and do whatever I want to do, as excited as I should be, why can't that stick in my head? Why can't I just see that this was all just an experience of which I'm probably gonna have a hell of a lot more of?


Again, random thoughts, so may not make much sense. But I guess it's just so hard to accept that I'm feeling so miserable all because of 1 person. Because I cannot be with them anymore. Yet really, I still have myself, I haven't lost that. I have control of myself, yet because of this whole break up, I feel like I don't have control.


Just having a real bad night I guess. Just frustrated that I've let it come to this, I've let myself fall so much just because of this relationship ending. I don't want to be this person anymore. No one wants to be this person. Deep down we're all happy awesome people, not miserable grumpy, moody and negative people. Yet we lose sight of it at times like this.


I dunno... I just think it's time to take control. People can say so much, none of it will do what you need to get you over the line, that's something only you can do. Only you can really say " * * * * you" to all the bad feelings and feeling miserable. Only you can lay it down like it is and look at the big picture. You know that, you and everyone else tells you constantly. Everyone says it'll get easier over time... But how much time is that going to take? The answer is simple... It'll take as long as you let it. You just have to see this for what it is. Learn from it, be thankful for it and be happy you're still around. Be happy you have yourself, if you can't, then LEARN how to.


You just gotta take a few steps back and take a look at the big picture here and really see everything in it...


Having said all of that though... why is it so hard?

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Your right people can say so much yet none of it takes away the pain. It can help, of course, in some ways ... it can comfort and help you focus but the pain you are feeling is something unfortunately that truly only time can heal.


Love knows no boundaries and the same goes for the heartache that can follow. It doesn't matter if you are 19 or 91. In fact if this is your first love lost then it will hit you harder - as the saying goes ... the first cut is the deepest. Unfortunately this kind of emotional pain is a lesson we all have to go through.


But, you know, for someone who is only 19 you already know that you have to take control. You are very right ... it will take as long as you let it. So the quicker you take control the quicker you can move on. Hard though it will be you will get there.

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Its pretty normal doing those things, until you realise that you should never go into a relationship with the expectation that everything will work out 'just because you are special', while your not, your relationship can fail just like with anyone else, and the reality of life is that a woman can pack her bags and leave anyday.


The first time things fail in your life you cry about it, wondering how it could happen. Then it happens over and over again and you get used to life throwing negativity at you, and then you realise its not about things failing in your life that is important, its about getting up and moving on after you fall that is really important. Life goes wrong so many times, what you basically do is keep dragging yourself forward and make the best out of life as you can, that's the only thing you really can do despite at what life throws at you.

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