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i saw her tonight.


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Well. me and my girlfriend recently broke up, it was my doing but for reasons for her. she has feelings for another man and just needs to be free so i gave her her freedom. However she still wants to be able to talk to me. Tonight i offered to come have some fun with me so we went and did some doughnuts with the car and then layed on the hood of the car and looked at the stars for a good hour. It was quite fantastic, we were both very open with eachother. She shared some of her recent "encounters" with a guy and i shared some that i had with a girl. We both could tell either of us weren't too thrilled of eachothers stories but we didn't let it ruin the night and we just made jokes about them. We decided we would still be friends and hang out and if stuff happens between us it happens. Of course i'm hopeful for the best but i know it may take sometime. Now i'm not going to wait around for her but i'll still have fun with her while i can. What do you all make of this? (also i gave her a kiss on the cheek before i dropped her off, we decided if we do stuff then we do stuff) I told her i'm not trying to get back with her obviously i am a bit. But this way i can have a chance to show her i'm a different guy then what i used to be and i'm worth giving it another shot. Now when i left at first i was sad but then i thought to myself, *why are you so sad? you still get to have fun with her and you get to see other woman too and hell maybe you guys might get back together or you might meet a great gal* then i wasn't sad anymore and was kind of excited. So anyways... do you think this is a good idea? (the guy she is interested in.. she does not want to date him just kinda having fun with him he's leaving for the marines soon so she doesn't want anything serious) I respect that cause i also want to have fun with other girls... so what do yall think?

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Here's what I think: you have to TRULY believe that "whatever happens, happens". Just don't try to convince yourself that you're fine with every possible outcome if you're not. If you can't handle her rejecting you for someone else...I suggest you take some time for yourself and meet her again when you're ready.

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Well actually she pretty much had rejected me last night when we hung out. (She straight up told me she's not going to be doing anything with me for a while.) it didn't upset me that much i was kinda like ehh ill live. We've gone thro these situations before but i'm a different person now and i know telling her i've changed won't do it so i just have to show her. I'll show her just by not talking to her at all the rest of the week until this weekened (when we might hang out again). Cause in the past i couldn't go a whole day without out talking to this girl. Like I'm shocked myself how much i've changed about all of this.

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just dont be the fall back guy when her boy toy leaves to the marines. She could possibly come crawling back cause she is lonely. Depending how your gut feels, if i were you i would still keep the friends thing going a bit longer even after the boy toy leaves. You dont wanna be the crutch.

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oh i know that. I really don't think she will be with him till he leaves for the marines. And if she happens to i'll be long gone by then i have MANY oppurtunities right now and i'm taking them all. So it's really just whether or not she comes around in the end.

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