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No, my boyfriend said he can wait

If your boyfriend already told you that he can wait, you should wait. There is no prize for losing your virginity. You are obviously not ready when you are having doubts. Stop listening to what his friends are telling you, after all they are his friends and not yours. Why are they pressuring you to have sex with him, or give him a bj? That is very immature of their part, and will be yours as well if you listen to them.


It's my best friend who's pissed at me cuz she's going to do her bf and she dosent wanna be the only one that lost her virginity


Listen sweetie, if your best friend is mad at your for not losing your virginity to your boyfriend, then guess what? She is not really your friend. No friend would pressure you into doing something that is so life changing. This is almost equivalent to her telling you to jump off the bridge just because she wants to do so. Do not listen to her and give into temptation. If she was truly your friend, she would not pressure you into this. Losing your virginity is a one time thing, once you lose it - you can never get it back, no matter how much you wished you did. I know that you may feel your mature to make your own decisions, but everyone is just telling you so for your own well being. They don't want you to regret it - and most likely you will if you decide to do it. You have a long way ahead of you. Why not just take it one day at a time, and if you are really ready - do it for the right reasons and not because of peer pressure.

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I am here to tell you this, i will not tell you that you arent ready, i will not tell you that you shouldnt do it - i will instead inform you of what can happen.


When you lose your virginity there is no prize, you do not earn anything. You do not enter some altered level of being that virgins are unable to see. If anything, you are always worried about your parents learning about it, or the rest of your school, which will more than likely happen. When a few weeks pass and maybe a period skips, if your even having them, you will be scared, you will cry, and you will regret it, you will always regret it.


In some cases it can be a magical thing, but sex can also be guilty, indifferent, cold, prideful, and in the worst case, you may just be a bragging right to this guy. I dont know him well, you of course have spent the time with him. I urge you not to do what you want, but to do what you think you should.

Teenagers are incredibly adept at doing what they are told to do, by anyone, just to gain some form of sick acceptance. The world and what is right had been blurred by what other people (mainly other horny teenagers) tell you what is right.

I can tell you this from experience... im 17 - im a virgin, ive never drank, never done drugs or smoked, and I graduated high school right after I turned 16 last year. I never plan on drinking, or doing drugs or smoking.

I am no saint, there are things I wish I have never done, things I wish I could change - one of which would be losing my virginity to someone so that I will regret it later.


Many of my friends are trying to tell me "dude you gotta have sex with her" (gf of 9 months), and I get people saying how pathetic I am for being a virgin, but im perfectly happy being a virgin, I am a reserved person, I am saving myself for someone I am truly happy with, and only when i am ready.


I know four people who are your age, all who lost their virginity, they all regret it, one feels like a 4 letter word i wont repeat, one was raped, one is my best friend when he was younger and even he regrets it beyond belief to this day, and one who is my girlfriend who lost it when she was 14, shes 17 now, but she regrets it so badly i've cried for her. when she got pregnant (miscarriage) her whole family shunned her, many of her friends became unfeeling and cold towards her, and she was a good friend of mine, it hurt me seeing this happen to her.


The self respect, and overall respect from others you gain by staying a virgin until you are truly ready is incredible, you feel so fulfilled, so complete, so centered - I wouldn't change it for the world

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