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Your ways to boost self esteem, please!

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I'm trying to boost mine and my boyfriend's self esteem - actually, it's more his, bc he's really not a confident person, but wants to be, and asked for my help in turning his life around in order to not take so much crap from people, losing weight, improving his body image and his confidence. (and it wouldn't hurt to join him in this quest). I want to support him 100% and give him ideas without forcing him to do anything. Does anyone know ways to better yourself, to feel good about who you are, and to lose weight?

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How about researching a good self-help book and having a little book club together?? Maybe one like "Dr Phil's Self Matters"....he has a ton, actually and they all have exercises at the end of each chapter.

You could read and discuss, do the exercises and discuss....maybe cook together and exercise together.

Those are ways that I think would be supportive and helpful and a "team effort"


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Reinvent, or at least modify your wardrobe. I went through a phase where 90% of my shirts were black. To stretch out, I recently bought a brown, a blue, and a light grey shirt to mix things up. I seldom by new clothes. Separated my path from the uber-materialistic, label-concerned crowd years ago. One of the shirts I recently bought was designed by a local artist, and is eco-friendly. I feel more confident, even though it wasn't a drastic change.

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Exercise is my first suggestion. Wardrobe change, like the last poster. Change your hair and develop better grooming habits. Eat well. And when teh exercise and diet have started kicking in, strut a little.


For women, I also recommend getting your eyebrows done. Makes a woman look so much better.

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