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How do you know if you found the one?

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This might sound really cheesy...but how do you know if that person is THE ONE?

Is it really true what people say that they just know? What about those people who say "i knew from the first moment I saw him/her"

Do you just know? Or do you kind of reason why that person should be the one?

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I don't think you can just look at someone and know they're 'the one'

and I don't really believe there's only one person for everyone.

The world is a big place, you'll connect with many different kinds of people most likely - not saying you can't just be with one person, though.


I think it takes time to love someone, and when you realize that you need them in your life and they make you a better person, well then you know they're right for you. But I have trouble saying they're 'the one'.

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I think "the one" for me means the one I'm going to marry....not like the single one person that exists that I can make it work with.

I was always worried that I wouldn't get that "aha!" moment about the one but I did. It didn't happen the day we met or even in the first few weeks, but at one point I literally had the exact thought "He's the one!". So, for me, yes. I knew (at a certain point), we'd get married.

I have several friends who say they didn't have that "aha!" and they have perfectly lovely relationships.

So, I don't think there's a right or wrong answer here.

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This might sound really cheesy...but how do you know if that person is THE ONE?

IMO, this happens when you AND him are both able to put up with flaws and not let it bother you're relationship with one another. That you and your SO are ready to commit for better or for worse. Finally, finding the one means both are willing to work out real life obstacles together (working out finances, dealing with family members/in-laws, improving parenting skills, etc).


Is it really true what people say that they just know?

Yes and no. A relationship takes dedication, trust, maturity, effort, and willingness to make it successful on BOTH parts. It takes two to tango.

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This might sound really cheesy...but how do you know if that person is THE ONE?


In my opinion, knowing the person is "the one" is when you don't see yourself with anyone else but him. I always had commitment issues in the past until I've met my boyfriend. Prior to him, I didn't see myself wanting to settle down with anyone.


Is it really true what people say that they just know?

I think this quote is true in a sense that they get that feeling that no one else compares to this person, but it also depends on their qualities.


What about those people who say "i knew from the first moment I saw him/her"

Yes and no, because some people may feel that way but it also takes hard work and dedication to make something happen.


Do you just know? Or do you kind of reason why that person should be the one?

I know he is the one for me because he has all the qualities that I look for in a man. Even though we don't have a perfect relationship and argue like any other couple, I would not trade it for anything in the world. Sure, there are plenty of other people that I can probably fall for, but he is the only person that I want to be with in the long run.

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I still haven't found "The One"... i am in a relationship right now and everything is going well, but to say he is the one, well it's kinda too early to tell. of course when i was younger i believed in fairy tale love stories and happy endings, but i somehow kind of let go of my idealistic fantasies when it comes to relationship. just live for the moment; live each day as it happens..and if days and years pass by and you wake up one morning realizing you're already in your 70's, still with that person in your bed, well perhaps s/he has always been the one.

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