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There's this woman that I have been attracted to for some time now. We met ages ago as she was the flatmate of a friend, and we have always got on very well, often I think we've been quite flirty. I live in London and she lives in Birmingham (UK) but she has visited me before, once for my birthday and she stayed over. When I first met her she was engaged, so I did nothing, but a couple of months ago the engagement fell apart. I felt like to ought to do something, but on the other hand I wanted to give her some space. It's been a while now, and I would like to ask her out. However, I am very unsure as to her feelings as, while we get on, I find it almost impossible to determine if there is any further interest there.


Well, since we live apart I don't see her often, though I sometimes phone her just for a chat. In two weeks she is coming to a party I am going to, she is coming at my invitation, so I am torn between just telling her all now OR waiting until I see her and seeing how things pan out.


Ideas people?


PS. Do you like my pink hat?

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hahah yea that pink hat its chill. but um.. you should wait til you see her in person see how thing go from there and wait for the right moment to ask if she would be interested in going on a date with you.. you can always try to start like that.

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I would wait until you see her and see how things pan out. She may not have had enough time to get over her last relationship yet. But if she comes and shows a definite interest in you, then there's nothing wrong with asking her out. Just make sure you don't take it personally if she declines specifically due to her recent split.


(And the pink hat...awesome. )

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