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Cats eating bread crusts...


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OK, IDK if this even happens, but I just chucked out some bread crusts (with marmite and butter on them) and my cat went and ate it... What on earth?!!

My cat is 11 years old, and has never to my knowledge eaten bread crusts, she will lick butter/margarine, and eat my chocolate and yogurts.. but.... !!! idk... Is it ok?

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Look, cats are mammals, too. It's perfectly safe for her to eat those things. I feed my cat plain yogurt, raw/cooked chicken and fish, milk was he was a baby. He is very, very heathy and has tons of fur. Stop thinking that cats are only entitled to that cardboard crap called 'cat food.'

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I had a cat when I was younger that ate absolutely everything I ever gave it. Well, except for an orange; she wouldn't eat that but I thought she almost was going to.


I remember whenever I would open up anything in a wrapper (like fun-sized candy bars) she would come running. I offered her a frozen waffle thinking she wouldn't really eat it, & she did! And if I left my cereal on the table getting ready for school, I would come back & she would be eating out of it. grrr, wasn't too happy about that one!


So yeah, chocolate, waffles, cereal, everything else... she was fine.


And forgive me for feeding chocolate to a cat; I was like 10!

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She's probably after the butter on them. A few bites of bread won't hurt her.


I have 2 cats. One wants to eat anything we're eating (unless it's citrus-y or heavy on garlic/onions....she dislikes those smells)...the other doesn't have any interest in people food (except for ice cream).


The one who is interested in people food was a stray we adopted, so I'm sure her interest in anything food-wise has to do with the time she was living on the street. I'm sure at points it was "eat thrown out people food or go hungry" for her.

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One of our cats loves crumbs of crackers. The other will go crazy over what we call 'vla' (close to English custard but not the same). I think it's really no problem, just eating too much (especially the calorie-rich vla lol) of it is potentially harmful for their weight.

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Oh and same kitty used to love to sit in the kitchen when I was bringing my groceries in. Once or twice she found the bag that had the cold cuts in it and starting chewing on it, bag and all!


And she used to love to lick cellophane.......anything with cellophane. (sp). She was a nut.

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I also have a cat who loves to eat paper clips! Obviously we do NOT let her do that, but you definitely have to watch your paper clips carefully, she'll scarf them down in no time at all if you don't. I don't understand it, they can't taste good! Or feel good, yikes!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My cat loves Goldfish. She eats 'em like they are cat treats. I once left a bag of 'em on the kitchen table when I went to work and came home to mutilated packaging and Goldfish crumbs.


I'm fostering my friend's cat for a year and yesterday I let her have a Goldfish while I was munching on 'em. She loved it. Now I definitely need to make sure they are in a closed cabinet before I go to work!

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My cat loves popcorn, cheetos, yogurt, and ice cream. I've inadvertently trained him to know that when I am done with a bowl of something, he will get to lick the bowl. So as soon as he hears my spoon in a bowl, he comes and sits right underneath me staring up at me until I give him the bowl.

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There are several plants toxic to cats as well as grapes/raisins and chocolate. My vet gave me a list but I'm not sure where it is. Never put tea tree oil on a cat if they have a cut or something.


Too much dairy is also not good for them, they're pretty lactose intolerant. A bit of cheese, butter, or milk here and there is not bad if it's just a treat. Supposedly you cat get cat milk treats but I've never been able to find them.

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