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Casual Sex.


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Highlighted bold words Too much information, buddy!


Anyways, in my opinion, I don't judge people who likes to have sex with people, BUT I wouldn't like them to do it for selfish reasons such as to get popular or noticed more at school/work. As long as they are honest with themselves and the people they are going to have sex with, and as long as they both get tested or atleast use protection... What's the harm?


It's wrong to tell a girl you love her just so you can "poke and run". It's wrong to lead people on just so you can have sex with them then break their hearts by saying, "I'm not ready to be tied down yet." However, if you are honest from the start with what you want, then again, what's the harm?



Hey, it's true - main artery/vein structure is right back in there, it is connects right up to the heart...

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The one thing that does make People Elightened about anythign and that includes sex is education.




There is much available on the topic of sex, orgasms and how the anatomy works, so Learn it!!! I still remember my first orgasm, it was really quite different and amazing and completely new all at once. So go figure out how to rub one out - you'll understand quite quickly what's so nice about it...

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They are better educated and therefore less likely to get gigs.


It seems like many of the people who actually do get GIGS have in fact had other partners prior to the person they have just dumped to see what else is out there. Having prior experience does not make the person less likely to get GIGS.


sometimes sex without commitment beats no sex at all by a pretty wide margin.


It depends on the person and whether or not they are simply searching for an orgasm or something deeper. A person who sees sex as something to be shared between two people who really care about each other will see no sex as better than empty sex without commitment.

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It depends on the person and whether or not they are simply searching for an orgasm or something deeper. A person who sees sex as something to be shared between two people who really care about each other will see no sex as better than empty sex without commitment.


Orgasms are easy - don't need others for that.. Sex without commitment is also not empty as far as I'm concerned - It's a connection between two consenting adults who want to explore their sexuality while single, whatever stage of life they may be at.

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i've done it in the past. it was fun at first, but now i feel gross after doing it. i feel like i need to go to a church and confess after even though i'm not that religious.


i feel more empty inside after doing it then before. not to mention i'm kinda freaked out abt stds and stuff. btw i'm referring to ons not fwbs.

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If you're newly single, what's wrong with keeping it light and casual to meet different people and see who you're compatible with?


I am going to do that starting tomorrow. I'm heading off to community college, so I'm going to meet a heap load of new people. So who knows what'll happen!


Orgasms are easy - don't need others for that.. Sex without commitment is also not empty as far as I'm concerned - It's a connection between two consenting adults who want to explore their sexuality while single, whatever stage of life they may be at.


Oh man, orgasms are so not easy! Atleast, to me they aren't. I mean, I would try and do it, try more pressure, but when it felt too good- I stop. I get so scared, lol! Someone did offered me advice about achieving it on here and I am going to try it out sometime.


i've done it in the past. it was fun at first, but now i feel gross after doing it. i feel like i need to go to a church and confess after even though i'm not that religious.


i feel more empty inside after doing it then before. not to mention i'm kinda freaked out abt stds and stuff. btw i'm referring to ons not fwbs.


I hear you. How long did it take you to realize it didn't felt right anymore? How many partners have you had?

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Orgasms are easy - don't need others for that.. Sex without commitment is also not empty as far as I'm concerned - It's a connection between two consenting adults who want to explore their sexuality while single, whatever stage of life they may be at.


That's assuming that the adult feels comfortable exploring his or her sexuality with another person to whom they are not committed. That's not an assumption that can be made for all adults - certainly never was true for me.

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I am having it right now actually and it's the first time in my life that I've done it. We're not even friends actually, we don't hang out or even talk on the phone or even eat together... We just mess around. I met him on-line.


One thing that I have learned so far is that it's possible for me to have better sexual chemistry and more pleasure with a complete stranger than any of my ex bf's. I think we are always ingrained to believe that "sex is better with someone you love" but I found that not to be true at all for me personally. For some reason I have better chemistry with this guy than any of my past bf's, we mesh better, he's a better kisser than any of my exes, better everything... It could be that it's because I picked duds in the past or perhaps my relationships with my exes was SO dysfunctional and unhappy that it spilled over into our sex lives and since I have NO relationship with my "sex friend" right all we focus on is just pleasure without any built up resentments etc


Another thing that I learned is that I can have incredible chemistry with someone I am not extremely physically attracted to off the bat. This guy is tall and has a nice body but if I saw him on the street I never would have looked twice and if he tried to talk to me I probably would have written him off. I never would have guessed in a million years that I would have this kind of chemistry with him.


The scary thing is that even though I met him online from a sleazy casual encounter type ad he seems to be the most emotionally stable compared to all my exes. I mean as in most "normal", most respectful, most non-creepiest, most well-adjusted socially and mentally. He actually has friends and has a life and isn't misogynistic or a woman-hater etc. He's surprisingly normal.


My exes whom I met through FRIENDS were the most abnormal. One went to jail for conspiracy for murder (seriously) and the other one had mental issues (serious ones which required hospitalization after he left me), was abusive mentally and physically, would steal from me etc

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I mean as in most "normal", most respectful, most non-creepiest, most well-adjusted socially and mentally. He actually has friends and has a life and isn't misogynistic or a woman-hater etc. He's surprisingly normal.


I think this is because those of us that engage in casual online meets are naturally more guarded - reading 'between the lines' of email correspondence etc. You develop a very acute sense of a person's character just by the phrasing they use.


Anyone who uses 'SMS' or 'netspeak' (m8, gr8 etc) goes straight in the bin, along with anyone who ploughs on like a steamroller and doesn't refer to or question what you say about yourself.

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I think this is because those of us that engage in casual online meets are naturally more guarded - reading 'between the lines' of email correspondence etc. You develop a very acute sense of a person's character just by the phrasing they use.


Anyone who uses 'SMS' or 'netspeak' (m8, gr8 etc) goes straight in the bin, along with anyone who ploughs on like a steamroller and doesn't refer to or question what you say about yourself.


Well, I've been having casual sex with this guy for 8 months now... I can tell that he is normal and well-adjusted through his actions and the interaction that I have with him... That's what I meant; the personal interaction in person. He's just in general very respectful, more than my exes...

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That's assuming that the adult feels comfortable exploring his or her sexuality with another person to whom they are not committed. That's not an assumption that can be made for all adults - certainly never was true for me.


I would never have thought I'd be doing this in a million years, but having always been shy and introverted (and frustrated at that) I decided to push my comfort zone... Those I meet all have similar stories.

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I would never have thought I'd be doing this in a million years, but having always been shy and introverted (and frustrated at that) I decided to push my comfort zone... Those I meet all have similar stories.


I too push my comfort zone constantly - many times this past year actually. But it was never important to me when it came to personal growth to have a stranger's penis inside of me so pushing beyond that particular comfort zone was not in the best interests of my physical or emotional health or growth.

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