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Guys would you be interested in a threesome with your girl and another........guy?


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Sadly it is true and I would appreciate no mockery because I'm really ashamed of the life I'm leading now. I think it's despicable and I'm honestly disgusted with myself for being in a gay relationship. I truly believe that caused it.


If it doesn't make you happy, then don't do it.

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Sadly it is true and I would appreciate no mockery because I'm really ashamed of the life I'm leading now. I think it's despicable and I'm honestly disgusted with myself for being in a gay relationship. I truly believe that caused it.


As for finding someone in the yellow pages...does nobody look hard enough? There are certain..ahem..sections you look under. In our area, certain types of "legal" services are understood to sometimes be a cover for the not-so-legal ones.


i'm sorry, i have nothing to say to this. all i can ask is WHY?

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You're free to think what you like. I thought this was a supportive place, not one where you are made to feel even more like a freak. My situation is so messed up and revolting that it can't be true?


The reason I cannot leave my gay relationship is because I love Greg. ](*,) As a person, I adore him. I only wish he wasn't a man. I wish I'd never agreed to meet with him.



No one has called you a freak. Please quit with the self-pity. You are in this relationship because you have chosen to be in it. How do you think he feels knowing that you're disgusted about the relationship? I'm sure that must be hurtful. I'd be very hurt in Greg's situation. If you truly love him, it'd be best to either accept him for who he is, or leave him and let him find someone who will truly love everything about him, including his sex.

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Whatever its not like it even matters, basically I'm being bullied. But that's what happens when you're gay isn't it.

Nobody is bullying you. There is some skepticism as to the veracity of your story, but that's to be expected given that you're new here and relaying a very unusual experience. But if you stick around on ENA, people will be more inclined to believe you.


Anyway, getting back on topic, or at least closer to it, I'd be interested in the details of that night, and in particular your girlfriend's reaction to what was happening. Surely it was not what she had in mind when she forced this threesome onto you.

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Whatever its not like it even matters, basically I'm being bullied. But that's what happens when you're gay isn't it.


From what I read, you chose, not to be gay, but you did choose the relationship you're in. If you're unhappy in it then either fix the issue or drop the relationship. This applies to Hetero/tran/bi/homo-sexuals. You said you're gay and that the issue is he's a guy, that's a bit paradoxial and leads me to believe you don't know exactly what your orientation is. I suggest some counseling, not to make you gay or not gay, but to find out what exactly your orientation is, what your relationship is based on.

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I'm not surprised she was so upset that you and Greg were chatting privately. Must have been pretty sexually emasculating for a woman to see her man turn to the opposite sex. I'm surprised she didn't react more strongly when she saw you having sex with Greg, but I guess she so drunk it didn't fully register.


So you've been with Greg for two years, and is he still a male prostitute, or has he given it up for you?

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I think it's ok for a girl to want to sleep with two guys. I'm just straight and wouldn't want any part of that.


Like I said... the only way I would sleep with two girls is if they were bi and I wasn't dating any of them. I wouldn't expect a girlfriend to want to have a threesome with another woman so I don't want her to expect me to have a man join us.


I couldn't agree more

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I won't even read other people's post, but yes, I have and do have this fantasy and think about it often. Me and two other guys. I told my boyfriend that that's something (had I been younger and wanted to do it back then when I wasn't serious about him) I wanted to do.


It's just like a guy and two girls. Fine, fair enough...I get it. But I wouldn't want to share a guy, and I'm not gay, so if he's all over this other chick, what am I suppose to be doing? I'm greedy. But I know guys can't really do that, some guys get weirded out seeing someone else's penis around a girl.


My boyfriend and I were watching porn bloopers, and this girl was riding the guy on a couch and there was another guy behind her, and when the guy behind her pulled out, he shot his load on the guy underneath her and it shot right on his forehead and shot by his ear. It was hilarious.

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Whatever its not like it even matters, basically I'm being bullied. But that's what happens when you're gay isn't it.


Umm I never said you were a huge homphobe? All Is aid was I'm used to being bullied because I'm gay, not that you're bullying me for my gayness. Sense?


You said that we were bullying you, and that being bullied is what happens when you're gay. So obviously you must think we're bullying you because you're gay. And if I'm bullying you because you're gay, it must mean I have a problem with gay people. I don't see how one could come to a different conclusion than that.

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Oh greywolf, don't wooorry. We all know you aren't a homophobe. He's new, and he's one of the bisexuals/homosexuals that has never moved away from disliking themselves. (Not to say that all bi/gay people started that way...)


They made a valid point there before. No doubt Gregory notices how you seem to despise your own gay relationship with him. How do you think that makes him feel? There's nothing wrong with being in a gay relationship. There's a lot of stupid people out there that think it's their place to tell us what's right and what's wrong, but they really don't have any place doing so. What I say is, "as long as you aren't hurting anyone or anything, what's wrong with how you live?" Tell them to "*beeeeep* off" if anyone ever says that you're disgusting.


I know when I had my crush on a guy, and I was trying to be with him, I did feel the self-hate, but it really only happened when I was around that guy because he made me feel like I wasn't any good..but that's a different matter. Is your relationship with Gregory doing well aside the self-hatred/disgust you're feeling? Oh by the way, you should start your own topic if you really want more advice from other people. The only people that will see your plight are the people who are coming to this thread for the threesome topic.

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I wonder what kind of things women fantasize about happening when its 2 guys on them?


Probably wondering what it feels like to have two guys inside of them, if you're talking about both of them holes being filled lol. I'd do it with my girlfriend but I think it'd be better not to. It's just an odd situation, and we're both people who don't want to share each other with other people haha.

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As for me I wouldn't do it with my girl. I would do 2 girls and me, and only if she brought it up because she wants to. I would feel bad about it being unfair.


And for that, you shall catch no smacktalk from me haha The people that bug me are the one's (mostly guys) that refuse to have another member of their gender in the threesome, but push their partner of opposite gender to do a threesome with a member of their gender. Like, a guy not wanting MFM but pushing his girlfriend to do a MFF. THAT bothers me.

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