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Did college do wonders for you?


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larger pool, hotter guys.


by hotter, i meant totally physical. maybe they are smarter, but i don't know about relationship material. most of them just got introduced to freedom/alcohol/parties. they want to enjoy it.. so idk...



but i dont date, so i just oogle. =D

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no.. there were alot of guys but i was so focused on getting straight A's and keeping my gpa a 4.0. I did notice guys try to talk to me and make study sessions, but i really wasn't interested, because it ried studying with one guy and he talked the entire time and i wasted my only 2 hour session with him. So i decided to be loner in college and just study and not get delayed so i could graduate with the grades i wanted.. lol

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If your life is not consumed by schoolwork, there's definitely plenty of opportunities to date in college, and plenty of places to meet people...However, I personally didn't see the point of getting into a serious relationship in college, because I knew that after graduation, we would have to either go our separate ways or try to stay together and limit each others' options as far as employment/grad school. No thanks.

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It's much easier to find a date or a hookup in college than it is during other times, because you're surrounded by thousands of people your age and there's a lot of partying, but if you're looking for something serious college might not be the best time to find it. I personally think anyone who wants a committed relationship during college is crazy.

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It did nothing for me because I was a seriosu minded studentw ith no interest in irresponsibilty or acting like a child any longer. And yet I was surrounded by people who just wanted to play.


If you think the end of college will be the end of the relaitonship, obviously your commitment is not as strong as it should be. Successful people transition with each other through the rough times, even if it means there are mutual compromises. You have the REST of your life to even out the compromise!

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