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We just broke up over a game a bowling...


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Maybe she really didn't take his threat seriously & she certainly didn't think he'd react the way he did.


I agree, how can a person put your relationship on the line over something so stupid as that, I am sorry but I am not going to live in a relationship where someone dictates what I do and cant do.

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Well this is it in a nut shell, we have been off and on for 5 years, and on for almost 2 years. He has lied and cheated on me in the past and I caught him,....


The first part is all one has to read....the second part is just icing on the cake.

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He has been texting and calling me when I left the bowl and I woke up this morning to a text, I have not read anything that he has sent and I really dont plan on it, All I hear is him saying "I am single and you dont have to care about what I do"


I wish him luck in finding someone who will care for him and supported him as I did. Loser. I did everything for him to make him happy, and was treated like dirt.

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He will probably come crawling back after he has calmed down.


Seriously, from all that you have written about him... he just doesn't seem to be the guy for you! It's always so hard for people to let go of someone they know isn't right for them.. and as much as we want it to work - it just won't.


I am sure though that your daughter will be better off growing up without this man - I mean, of course she will still visit her Dad, but it is better for her mental health growing up without him in in the same household. He is making you unhappy, which is going to make her unhappy too, or already does. Little children pick up on a lot of things. I know if my parents hadn't gotten a divorce when I was young... It would've affected me for the rest of my life. I would have had to go through all their fights and all the bs they are putting eachother up with.


Reallllllly sorry you're going through this though! I know it sucks!

But you should do what's best for you and your daughter.

You are a strong woman, stand your ground and let him know "I will not let you treat me like a piece of dirt, I am more worth than that. If you can't respect and value me the way I deserve, then you're not for me! Over and out!"

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He will probably come crawling back after he has calmed down.


Seriously, from all that you have written about him... he just doesn't seem to be the guy for you! It's always so hard for people to let go of someone they know isn't right for them.. and as much as we want it to work - it just won't.


I am sure though that your daughter will be better off growing up without this man - I mean, of course she will still visit her Dad, but it is better for her mental health growing up without him in in the same household. He is making you unhappy, which is going to make her unhappy too, or already does. Little children pick up on a lot of things. I know if my parents hadn't gotten a divorce when I was young... It would've affected me for the rest of my life. I would have had to go through all their fights and all the bs they are putting eachother up with.




Thank u Elena, you are so right, it is hard to let go of someone you want so badly. I wanted it both for me and for my daughter. I wanted the pickett fence and the family.


When we are happy we are really happy, but when he gets upset it is like hell on wheels, I dont know but my counselor stated that there is a root cause to anger, we just have not found his. My root cause comes from being hurt and being scared.


I just wish he valued our relationship more and not taken it for granted.:sad:


I love him and I dont know what to do. I guess through counseling maybe I can get over this or moving to be with my family in Texas.

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Is this the final straw or a part of a series in the drama?

I hope you'll take good care of your child by getting out of this situation.



I am sorry Savi but this is not drama this is real life. We were trying to make things work through counseling and people will have their ups and downs, their splits and sometimes reunions, it does not make it any less. I dont know what is in our future, but as it stands now we are not together.


I do take care of my child and try to shield her from what is going on, she loves her father just as much as she loves me, there is no negativity between us where she is concerned.


One of the only things that cuts like a knife is that she is use to seeing him every morning with me together, I am not sure what impact that will have on her moving forward along with not having him there like he was before.

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Wasn't your daughter there when he said "I hope you brought my clothes" and you said "Where's your ho at?"

Maybe I read it wrong.

This particular argument seemed to cause a scene at his workplace (which I'm referring to as "drama") so I was wondering if that's typical or unusual and if you have decided "this is it!" or just that you'll both work harder at this.

I wish you the best in working it out.

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