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Feeling comfortable around beautiful women


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OK, the definition of what "beauty" is aside, if you want to feel more comfortable around beautiful women... well, start hanging out with them. I'm not necessarily talking about meeting women for the sole interest of developing a relationship. Really, just for the sake of being yourself around women that you find attractive (and that others do, too). Because if you can't feel comfortable in her presence, flirting with ease is going to be a real challenge (not saying I'm the smoothest, but not like I used to be). There is always one night during the week when I am surrounded by gorgeous young women, not because I am there to meet them, but because they are there when I am there. We are comfortable with each other.


When you can establish some kind of friendship and comfort level around someone of the opposite sex who you find beautiful, it will be less intimidating to express a deeper level of interest in someone who would have otherwise been intimidating.


That is all. Do not take my word for it, though. See for yourself, granted you can relate to the above.

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I was gorgeous at age 23 or so (I'm still good looking at 38!) but I was still socially awkward at that age, and I didn't really know how to talk to strangers, either.


I remember guys my age (strangers) saying the dumbest **** to me in a disrespectful way, too often. Just stupid. Like they thought I was a stupid & good looking bimbo who they assumed would never talk to them, so they may as well say something stupid or rude. Well, it turns out I was smart, and extremely cynical, and so I ended up really resenting those dumbasses. And during my early 20s, my boyfriend was the confident, funny, overweight guy with the great personality. He wasn't that cute, but I thought he was the greatest.


So young guys, don't be witless jerks. Don't be stupid jackasses. Don't assume she's an airhead, and don't assume your insulting wisecracks are charming her, because they aren't. And whatever you do, don't confuse acting like a puffed up little rooster with being confident. Confidence is an attitude that comes from genuine self respect, and not just a mask that hides your self-loathing and your resentment of women.


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I couldn't agree more with this. Have you heard about this new thing called "negging" that's cool with the kids these days? It's where guys try to pick up attractive women by giving them subtle insults and backhanded compliments. The idea is to make the girl feel bad enough about herself to sleep with them. It's ridiculous and I find it hard to believe it works on anyone. Guys need to learn that they have the best chances when they treat a beautiful woman the same way they would treat any woman you're interested in; not any better, and not any worse.

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I couldn't agree more with this. Have you heard about this new thing called "negging" that's cool with the kids these days? It's where guys try to pick up attractive women by giving them subtle insults and backhanded compliments. The idea is to make the girl feel bad enough about herself to sleep with them. It's ridiculous and I find it hard to believe it works on anyone. Guys need to learn that they have the best chances when they treat a beautiful woman the same way they would treat any woman you're interested in; not any better, and not any worse.


There are two legitimate aspects/uses to what is called "negging," the first as an icebreaker with women out in clubs with barriers up who are getting every corny, drunken comeon line imaginable. The second is just being natural. We relate to people we like and are close to by giving them a hard time, making fun, and expect to get it in return also. People appreciate others who treat them naturally, and that includes good natured kidding. No one ever suggests out and out insults or mean comments as a way to endear yourself to someone.

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