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I will be moving to the city and living with my best friend. We've been best friends for 8 years.


I always hear of people wrecking their friendships when they move in with a friend. Well, we are for sure living together


so any advice to keep the peace and make things easier?

not just getting along, but helpful tips for living on my own for the first time would be nice, too thanks!

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I will be moving to the city and living with my best friend. We've been best friends for 8 years.


I always hear of people wrecking their friendships when they move in with a friend. Well, we are for sure living together


so any advice to keep the peace and make things easier?

not just getting along, but helpful tips for living on my own for the first time would be nice, too thanks!


do stufff..get out of the house, hang out with other people to...trust me, when winter came and i was stuck in the house with my friend, i seriously wanted to take a swan dive out the window

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I was told not to share food, so we're going to divide the fridge


and I don't think I'll have any problems with shampoo or stuff like that

but I guess you never know.



u will be surprised..and food..someone is always going to go overboard, i always let them offer me food i never ask or take without permission, that def will cause problems

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u will be surprised..and food..someone is always going to go overboard, i always let them offer me food i never ask or take without permission, that def will cause problems




so do you think that even though I feel we respect eachother very well now, that after living together that could change?


and you're right. I won't take any food unless she offers.

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things like ketchup and mustard u could share.. maybe take turns buying it.. yea i wouldn't want someone to eat all my food.. and i come home and nothing there to eat...


dishes is another thing i had a ex that went to college and her girlfriend/roomate would never do dishes.. i also knew a guy that lived with a bunch of others guys.. i went in his room one night he musta had 20 glasses around him.. food dishes it was disgusting... and they was running out of clean glasses


i would say either take turns doing dishes... or best bet just each do what you dirty...

if you got a dish washer probly wont be so bad unless they pile right up..

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Make sure you have other friends and things to do that don't include your friend/roommate. I lived with one of my best friends my first year of college and we got along fine, but after a while we just had nothing to say and hanging out was very boring. We had the same group of friends, were together all weekend, every morning and evening, etc. Basically we were not apart unless we were in class or taking a shower. We never fought, but at some points there was tension just because we were sick to death of being together. I moved in the following year with a friend I didn't know as well, and instead of our friendship getting boring, it just got cooler because we got to know each other really well. Well it was that and the fact that my second place gave me my own room, whereas during my first year it was a shared room. That makes a huge difference.

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hmmm, thanks guys, I'll take all of this into consideration.

It's going to be hard, in the beginning to find new friends and stuff, but I'm sure I will eventually. She will too, since she is going to school. I will just be working.


we each get our own room and plenty of space, so that's good.

we also each have a boyfriend who will probably be spending time with us, so we wont be alone together ALL the time.

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A lot of people have already replied but I thought I'd give my two cents too!

My best friend is my only female friend and I've known her for almost 11 years now.

We moved in together for a year (I moved out to be at a cheaper place, and with my boyfriend) and it was great!

In the entire time we were friends we never fought until we moved in together! We're still really close friends but being in someone elses presence for a long time drives anyone nuts.

It was always little things, such as eating eachothers food, leaving a mess behind, playing music too loud when someones trying to sleep, fighting over the telly/what movie to watch, etc... Nothing really bad ever happened, we were so close and knew how to handle disagreements, if she wanted to have a bunch of friends over on a night that I was staying up to study (for example), we'd just come to a compromise, and more often than not it worked out.

It will be fine! Don't expect the worst! Just be understanding of other people and how everyone does things their own way (Now I live with two young guys and it's a nightmare to get them to clean anything, put the seat down, etc.).

Living with just one girl is a lot easier than two guys! Haha.

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