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First date... the horror. Pure horror.


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Hmmmm, it wasn't that bad? Well I think it was. Of course I'm glad he didn't get physical or anything, but I mean you go on a date hoping it'll be good and when a person like this shows up, talks about these things (I wish you could've seen the way he talked & acted and the looks on his face...) then I guess you just are kind of disappointed.


If you have worse first-date experiences, I feel bad for you.


lol i meant its not that bad cause at least your story kept us at ENA entertained.

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Are you american by any chance? Is this typical of american guys to be so 'macho'...........is gang culture a big issue in the states?


Some cultures have poor attitudes towards women and the macho man image....thinking australia here!


I know some will find this offensive but certain countries do have this problem of the 'macho' culture......anyone can say what they like but it is certainly true of australia.

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lol hersmudders, I know right?! He made it sound like he would hit women but not a woman "like me"...


I have no idea if he just made up all of that stuff though.

Maybe there was a hidden camera somewhere and soon I can see myself on TV in a comedy show, called "The Hidden Camera" or whatever.

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Yikes! I have a first date tomorrow, maybe I shouldn't have read this story...Just reading it made me want to go back to my ex, too!


hahaha, sorry.

But I am sure yours won't turn out as bad as mine. I will admit this was the worst I've ever had.. or one of the worst. Most guys are quite normal at the 1st date, luckily. So don't worry!

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I am truly stunned!!!! That sounds like a very bad episode of candid camera.


That being said, I really don't believe there is such a thing as a bad date (with the exception of rape or other violence). I say that because I'm sure you have learned something from this. In other words, for every date you go on, you will either learn what you are looking for in a person, or what you are NOT looking for in a person.


The last date I went on wasn't quiet that bad. However, after listening to her describe who she has been with, what she has done, and what she would like to do, I realized that one of us was NUTS! You can imagine my relief when I figured out that for the first time in my adult life, it wasn't me. LMAO

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Oh geeze! How terrible.


Sorry it went so bad. At least you know that you will NEVER have a date that bad, ever again. It's just not even possible. That one was a record breaker for sure. So you already got the "worst date of your life" over with.

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Elena* I am moved by the emotion you have for N, sorry he could not be there for you. I hope you some how got a hug from someone to make you feel better, you need some comfort after that extremely creepy 1st date encounter! Try to forget about it!

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op - Try with all your might not to let this horrific encounter get your hopes down about moving on and finding someone else. I know how awful it is to be all excited about a first date post-ex, only for the date to go badly. You feel like rushing back to the ex more than ever, you believe they are the only one for you, and vice versa. This has happened to me SO many times over the past year and it's horrible -such a dent to your self esteem and to your healing.


But it WILL pass. Please try not to get too down over this. Not all guys are like this and there will be a great guy one day who will give you all you could want on a first date - and after that, too!

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aww thank you guys for those replies!


That being said, I really don't believe there is such a thing as a bad date (with the exception of rape or other violence). I say that because I'm sure you have learned something from this. In other words, for every date you go on, you will either learn what you are looking for in a person, or what you are NOT looking for in a person.


That is really true.

Especially cause this date made me realize how much I don't want anyone else than N. I give other guys chances but in the end it all comes down to the same.. I get home and all I think about is him and how nobody else compares.


Oh geeze! How terrible.


Sorry it went so bad. At least you know that you will NEVER have a date that bad, ever again. It's just not even possible. That one was a record breaker for sure. So you already got the "worst date of your life" over with.


hehe, true! That's another way of looking at it. Thanks a lot!


op - Try with all your might not to let this horrific encounter get your hopes down about moving on and finding someone else. I know how awful it is to be all excited about a first date post-ex, only for the date to go badly. You feel like rushing back to the ex more than ever, you believe they are the only one for you, and vice versa. This has happened to me SO many times over the past year and it's horrible -such a dent to your self esteem and to your healing.


But it WILL pass. Please try not to get too down over this. Not all guys are like this and there will be a great guy one day who will give you all you could want on a first date - and after that, too!


The thing that he isn't really my ex - there must have been a real relationship for that to call him my ex, right? - "almost-lover" fits better!

Thanks a lot for your words! makes me feel better

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